I'm turning off the website tomorrow

Lets set 'em up and knock 'em down. Who’s next?

    Howzit Mr. Clean, I sure hope you are joking because by the time they get your letter it will be to the next round. I just voted and it is now Sways 63% TSJ 37%. Aloha,Kokua

I voted...both times....Go Swaylock's!

I tricked the wife into cruising down Coast Hwy the other day...we ended up at Surfy Surfy in Lucadia....Looking at all the groovy stuff and my wife spots a Shipman Board out in the back...not for sale...very cool......


I have enjoyed TSJ for a long time, the only surf print I care about.

Personally I think it is an insult to Swaylocks to even be compared to the rest of em.  

Blogs are fun, no doubt

By the way, somebody, who knows somebody at TSJ, please tell them to devote an entire issue of TSJ to swaylocks. Can you imagine it, interviews, pics, stories, THE KNOWLEDGE OUT THERE.

Tell me I’m wrong. 

It will be the one in the back of the TSJ that says, “sold out”



Done !!



Mike, Maybe you should post a new forum topic for each round. I did my duty for the first round but wasn't aware of the second round until just now. .... could you post a new topic for the next round so we can be aware of it.....


 +1 on this comment and I also agree with Johan1 that the VOTE button wasnt there first time ( a few days ago)

 The 1s time I looked at the Voting Challenge, it said that Sways was all about the " wisdom of surfcraft design ".

Obviously they didnt read the tripe I post.



But Swaylocks isn’t a blog. Just sayin’. 

Did it.

True, Swaylock’s isn’t a true blog – but it has characteristics of a blog: people posting regularly, sharing their knowledge & experiences.

I will definitely make it clear if we get to the next round – which it’s looking like we might unless TSJ makes a late push. Thanks to all who stepped up. You guys rock. I really think we can take this and have ultimate bragging rights!


edit ...too nasty for public viewing


it's going to be tough to beat Dane when we get to him

EDIT: surfy surfy is going to be a tough heat too

Did we give up when the Germans bombed Peral Harbor!!!!!  Now let's go out there and show em!!

I voted!!! I would keep voting if i could!!

Sounds like an offer we can't refuse from Mike.  (They have been airing "The Godfather" all week in SoCal.)  Yeah, just voted for the family.  ("Never side against the family")



I voted for Sway of course but I had noknowledge of the contest until this post

done deal!!

way ahead of surfer journal…! youll win!

done, even though it meant visiting Surfermag.com which is wrong