IN SEARCH OF..........

Does anyone know of a surfboard collector with a Hansen Big Wave Gun, in thier collection?          I’m trying to track down a Gun that was owned by Max Lim.        Don Hansen asked me to make a Gun for Max, that he wanted to give as a gift to Max.       I had surfed with Max for several years, and knew what he’d require in a big wave board.     Years later I found out, through Randy Rarick, that it was Max’s favorite board, and the last board he sold, when he chose to sell off his quiver.      No one could remember who had purchased the board.      At the time, it was not known that I had shaped the board.       Unlike other Guns, that I shaped at Hansen, I used my personal template, for the one I shaped for Max.       There is a bit more to the history on that board, that I’m sure the collector would like to know.      Any help, is appreciated.

What would be really cool would be if the board could be located and Max could get it back in exchange for having a new board made for the owner. 

Aloha Phebus,

Sadly Max passed away several years ago.      I didn’t know, until Randy told me, that the board I shaped, was Max’s favorite of all his boards.