I am about to shape a remake of a midlength board (7’3’ x 22’) i did recently. the template doesnt really suit a tail shape of less than 15’ wide (square tail) what tricks can i use to increase the turnability of a wider tail. whats a good tail rocker ect.
How about adding wings into the template?
howzabout wide point back and tail rocker of about 2.75"?
15" sounds like a good tail size for this board; with the nose around 17", you have a well-proportioned egg. Take John Mellor’s advice on the tail rocker and blend the rail down hard the last 18" or so. I’m guessing the template you have will dictate where the wide point is. Place your fin a little more forward in the box and you should be fine.
All good ideas. I’ve been using a slight V in the tail on wider templates and enjoying it. Tom S.
where’s a good widepoint for a smooth egg template?? i’m guessing above center somewhere
Tom, Spoke with Deeb yesterday. Whats the surf report?
Greg: It has been good, spent the last two weekends in SPI. Head high and better, clear water and quality surf. The kind of surf sessions that let you sample everything in your quiver. Going down now but more on the way. Funny, I was going to call Deeb before the weekend and see when we might get together. The summer doldrums are creeping up on us down here. Tom S.
Surf sounds great…Call Deeb!