India Ink and laminate paper bleeding...

I need lams that require detail and will have a lot of contrast so I got out a Rapidograph pen, some india ink and some lam paper I picked up at the art store. They did not have rice paper so, I tried the lam paper and with a 1/.50 nib and made some clean passes and it bled like crazy. I tried the shiny side and the other side with the same result.

Has anyone had any luck with other papers like rice paper, typing paper, etc. and India Ink???

Thanks in advance for any leads!

Make sure the India ink you are using says, waterproof. It won’t bleed. The problem with Rapidiograph pens is the ink comes out really fast. Hard to control the flow. I’ve had better luck with my fine tip Poska pens. If you draw on the shiny side of rice paper, try laminating with the ink side down. That way you are not rubbing directly on the ink. Hope this helps.

Barry Snyder

Thank you, Barry. You’re correct. The ink (waterproof) comes out pretty quick which may aid in the bleeding. I’ve figured out a crazy workaround that is a pain but, worth it. At least I can use it for nice pinlines.