Just finished a board for a customer (I’m a small scale back yard shaper), and he was stoked (7’4" red pigmented Indo Gun), but got me was that he also said that he was excited to get a board from an Aboriginal shaper. Never really thought about it before, but he said that being made one of the few Aboriginal shapers in Australia would make it a special board. I am a proud Awabakal man from one of the smallest Aboriginal countries within Australia. I often talk to the “old people” (spirits) that live in the bush on the way to my little point break down in the National Park. I often think about it, but have never mentioned it (until now) how special this connection with the local country (and water) makes me feel.
Hey Gill, where’s Awabakal country? From what I recall from past conversations, you’re somewhere up on the NSW north coast aren’t you?
I don’t have any indigenous background myself (that I’m aware of), but I grew up in Bundjalung country and have some strong family ties to the area, if only brief in relative terms (five generations, as opposed to almost 2000). I live in SA now but will always think of that piece of the world as home…
p.s. just found Awabakal on the net. Looks like you’re a fair bit further south, down around Newcastle.
I’m not in the dreamtime, but like to/try to observe local customs and ways. I’d also like to think that the “old people” (spirits) are watching over us.