How many of the cheap Asian surfboards are left in warehouses over in the States now? Last I heard it was 20,000. Once these are cleared are we going to see a shortage of surfboards being produced? I kind of wondered if that’s what Gordon Clark meant about the oceans drying up. Only was he referring to the supply of surfboards when he said oceans? A lot of people have given up on this industry, and I’m sure many more want nothing to do with it now. Recession is supposed to be ending this year as well. Are we going to see a slight improvement in the market come years end?
I think the amount of CHEAP boards must be getting lower,
And since I visited the states a few months ago I saw why many of you guys are upset with the china imports,
I saw one show who was selling boards, I think it was around the 6’6" mark for $100
I couldnt believe it, he mentioned that they were from “Said Wharehouse” and they only used chinese products to manufacture the boards. Thus keeping the prices down.
But I think your right, As the wharehouses dry up, Unless people import more, their may be a shortage of boards,
as its true that the imports will have hurt the people bussinessess that relied on turning out boards of the same quality as the imports - but expected so much more money.
Time will tell.
“…recession suposed to end this year”
Now that is sadly funny.
I don't have any idea as to the true number of boards sitting in warehouses. But as Mitch points out, there's a lot of ''fire sale'' prices out there. I doubt there's much profit in that $100 6'6''. I hear stories about big shops trying to negotiate even lower prices (like $69) from some of the overstocked suppliers.
Surfboards have always been in oversupply. It's the nature of an industry with low barriers to entry, etc. But it HAS gotten ridiculous, and the recession made 'em pile up. By the end of the year, they may be giving them away to get out from under the storage costs.
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the biz to return to ''the way it was''. The US consumer may be done trying to leverage his way to happiness.