Info on old Australian Surf Shop/Morey board

Recently became the owner of this cool old Australian Surf Shop/Morey board and was wondering if anyone could tell me some more info on it. There’s a bit online regarding the shop at 235 Santa Clara with Tom Hale and Morey but I’m wondering if this is a board that should be on a wall rather than in the water. It has a few dings but is in exceptional condition considering it’s from the 60s. Is it worth getting a fin glassed in and getting it in the water?

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Can’t help with info but that’s a cool board! My personal belief is they were made to be ridden, get out and enjoy it!

its a rider!!!

Post a pic of the bottom

Those rails look pinchy as hell. If they are and if it has a rounded belly; go ride it in some racey tubes and surf it from the middle of the board: mindblowing.