I'm getting close to building a new shaping and glassing shed from scratch. I've got a million ideas floating around in my head about room dimensions, shaping racks, glassing racks, storage racks, drip trays, lighting ideas, shelving, storage etc etc etc!!!
So why not post some pictures of your ingeneous ideas.
You know the ones;
- your racks (all types!)
- your sheds and diemensions
- your storage solutions
- your drip trays
- your lighting
- basically anything and everything to do with your shaping/glassing set up!
Howzit saltbush,It's your rooms and you are building them for you so sit down and think it over,ask questions if you like but if you think you have some good ideas then go for them. My last shop was a 18'x 12' shell when I moved in but by the time I left it was 18'long by 21" wide so I just added 9' to the width. If you don't own the roperty make sure you use screws to build it so you can unbuild it and recycle the lumbe. Aloha,Kokua
I dream of the day when i can get a shaping room, in my head i think more of what posters of reef girls i’m going to get from my college storgae box up the loft to hang up around the shed rather than the equipment/storage!