Int.surfing Mag . Tom V

Yea, still looking myself for the 69’-70’ Int.surfing mag with no luck. My ad appeared as, ‘Seasons Surfboards’ a lone surfer paddling out in empty glass in Ga. Tom V, I’d be oh so stoked if you could find that ad. Let me know ,or any one who may know… Aloha Roger

Rodger!..Haven’t forgotten about you, bro! I’ve been over at the girlfriend’s, this past week, and the “ancient” surfmags are in a big stack over at MY house. Just give me a little time to “forage” through the pile…If I locate it, you know it’s yours! T.

Eureka…I have found it! Rodger…found one ad. It was in the august’70 issue. Did you run the ad in other mags?(months,in ISM, that is) Couple of buds in this issue, and I hate to part with it…Would you accept just the ad itself? If there are other issues, and you have a good idea which ones…let me know (I think ISM stopped putting the month of the year on the front of their issues about this time)don’t sweat it though…still gotta look through 'em all for you, and I can maybe come up with additionals. This ad is yours, though…WE AT SEASONS WISH FOR YOU WHAT WE WANT FOR OURSELVES…CLEAN WAVES AND THE SOLITUDE TO HEAR THE SUN GO DOWN!..Beautiful! How can I get it to you? you have a at/for Damascus where I can send it to?!.. T. (P.S. you really started something, though!..I haven’t looked at these mags for at least 20-25 years! I can see my girl, now, giving me the business for ignoring her and burying myself in these for the next month or two!). Aloha a hui hou!