inter island board shipping

can anyone help suggest how to send an 11 foot longboard from maui to kauai?? thanks

Young Brothers, barge it.

Young Brother is a good/cheap but it might take a week or so to get there… If you need it there sooner, you might want to check Aloha commercial air freight or similar company out of Kahului. It would probably be a bit more expensive but would probably get there faster.

Hawaiian Air Cargo

Kahului International Airport, Kahului, HI 96732

Tel: (808) 877-5585

Howzit dumbdumb, I used to ship goods from Maui to Kauai twice a week for 8 years and it usually takes only about 3-4 days tops, you just have to check their schedule for shipping days. The board will go to Oahu then get shipped to Nawiliwili. Also the airlines have some restrictions on board length these days and it’s always a crap shoot putting a board on the plane when it comes to damage to the board.Aloha,Kokua

aloha frieght forwarders

the better you pack it the happier you will be.

accompanied cargo is the way to go.

ship it how ever you like

If you dont pack it well you will

pay another price. repair.

yb ? put it in a container label it top load only

those big suckers the brown ones

I think they are called G W


Howzit Brose, After seeing machine shaped blanks shipped from Oahu via YB without any damage ( Sausen uses them) I think YB is the way to go even if it takes a couple of days longer. Can you imagine what the airlines would do to 1 of those blanks. A few years back a shaper had to order a special blank for 1 of my boards and It made the plane trip over OK only to have Aloha Air freight lean it against the wall right where there was a big bolt sticking out and put a big deep hole that couldn’t be shaped out in the blank. It’s funny how the guys who travel a lot always say the worst part is the 100 miles to Oahu when it comes to getting damage. Aloha,Kokua