Inter-Island Sparky?

First post in years.

Anyone know if Sparky ever signed his name as “Spark”? I already bought the Inter-Island pictured (this morning), but just curious. Pics were taken by the seller.

The board has a tucked under edge on the rail almost the entire length of the board, so I assume it is Sparky, but who knows. Worst case I bought an inexpensive Inter-Island (with a little ding repair needed).

Thanks and happy new year!

Check with Barry Morrison at Inter-island, he would know. They were very close friends.
My friend had an old Sparky he really loved and it had a tucked rail with edge all along the rail. He said the older Sparky’s are better. I can’t remember when it was, but Sparky took a break and rebuilt his classic Mustang. He loved that car.
I don’t think anyone else would have made an Inter-island in '95 and sign it Spark or Sparky.

Hi Sharkcountry -

Thanks! That certainly makes sense - I agree that it’s highly doubtful that someone else was signing “Spark” on an Inter-Island board. That would cause a lot of confusion for sure.
No big deal either way. It’s a nice shape, but just an odd size for me personally. I showed up thinking it was a 9’5". They advertised it that way but seemingly confused the shape year with the size. It’s only a 9’ and a bit narrow which doesn’t really qualify as a longboard for me at 6’2" 215 lbs (and it’s too long to be short!). I’ll ride it regardless after dealing with some of the mistreatment/dings that need to be addressed.

Part of this post was just to figure out if I was able to again. My whole point history, etc. was wiped out a few years ago, and I couldn’t post at all for a long time (unless starting a new topic). Seems that might have been fixed though.

Thanks again - Matt

A lot of my friends that were riding Sparky’s boards had 10’ long single fin boards. I’m seeing a lot of guys riding Mitsu boards now, seems like he’s the current favorite. They ride them more performance style versus logging style. In the 90’s there was trend to riding longer and longer boards but riding them like you would a short board. A while ago, Eric Arakawa was making a nice performance longboard. In the last few years I see guys getting into the gliders. Those extra long boards capable of catching swells from way out.

I haven’t ridden a longboard much in years (I’m usually on a fish or my bonzer), but it’s been so small here recently that I’ve been re-discovering it.

By coincidence (in view of your comment), I just had Roger Hinds shape me an 11’ glider and I love it so far. It’s a straight single with more curve in the outline than many of the others around here.

Aloha Mattp,
Did Roger shape it over here, or did you have it shipped?

Locally (San Clemente). The experience was a breeze and highly recommended. It’s the red board in the pic (waiting there [in lieu of under the tree] until after Christmas to be ridden). I saw a shape and tint on his instagram that I liked and had him copy it. I think this is just a bigger version of the same glider.

Roger Hinds is the Man. No doubt about it. Lowel