Interesting article about design..

I think this T.E. guy is to be commended for creating the ‘Worlds Most Hated Surfboard on the Internet’ and it only cost him ‘$100,000 AUSDollars’.

when is the fat penguin brand going to release their carbonated soda and heat and serve gourmet diet dinners? this Burma shave advertisement barage is making me thirsty and hungry…not to mention…I want some of those Fat penguin Painters Pants(t.m.) and the sneakers…what was that address again… and the 800 phone number ,and was that GEOCITIES@GLARINGLY APPARENT.COM…i for one would like to go on record as one who’s life has been changed after having intimate contact with the fat penguin concept god bless you Dave and lil Peter and good luck in Scandinavia, I hear the copies they are making in Gottengen are tearing up Biaritz and Mundacca and the price is setting european records they should be outselling all other chinese imports through the summer season…when is the date o F.P. going public at the N.Y.S.E. I for one wanna get in where the stock is real cheep so I can ride it to the top floor make a fortune and dump it before it flatlines … NIUGNEP TAF…NOBODY TELL MARTHA STEWART …AMBROSE…mums the woid

now that made me laugh…lol…sorry T.E. you lost your crown as swaylocks top comedian…

Ambrose, now you’ve done it, he probably settled down and then you stirred him up again. And well hear all about how great he is and how mean the rest of us are, oh and ignorant and closeminded and how grass roots and wonderful that FP design is…well you know the sound. I still agree with you though Ambrose, Strange how that one guys name was registered, smells like… advertising.

For now…He who laughs last, laughs longest… Check the threads above about CCs you guys are getting an education and soon I wont have to say anything about Pauls design as you guys will be doing all the work!..hahahahahahahahahahahaha…hahahaah…hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ! ha

your superchargers? an honor. what do you need from me?

Sorry I was late for this discussion, but I went back through the Archives and researched the thread. There I found this… “or fish slime as well …surely its chemical as well not just mechanical??? revolutionary breakthrough in fin and board design …covering with fish slime for speed… NEWS FLASH surfers all over the world mysteriously attacked by sharks after using new speed enhancing product… sorry guys you know how one thought leads to another. regards BERT” Nice. It reminded me of an article I read about 35+? years ago in either Boating Magazine or Popular Science. Some offshore boat racers got together with (I think it was) Dow and developed a long chain polymer (very slippery slimy stuff) that they injected from the bow into the flow under the boat while underway (racing). It was what coatings people now call sacrificial in that it was not designed to permenantly stick to the boat surface. I kind of remember that it worked, but was very costly to produce and it was heavy. How do fish do it? You got to love nature.