Interesting Hydrofoil Tow-In Tech

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Video takes a few seconds to load on my iPad.

My mate has just built one of these using an old Bodyboard with an electric foil motor mounted underneath. Haven’t seen it in action yet but it’s a cool concept.

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OK that was not what I expected! I follow another account on IG that features a motorized foil that looks super interesting, aside from the fact that I am kinda philosophically opposed to any kind of motorized surfcraft. The thing that appeals to me about these is the potential for having fun in un-surfed spots. Seems like a lot of places that get swells but not really rideable-shaped waves can be opened up to riding the swells. For a guy that will often sit in crowded point break surf for a couple hours just to get 2 or 3 decent waves, this appeals to me. I don’t get to the beach every day, and if I go out for a couple hours, its not to sit in the lineup with a crowd, its to get some riding time.

I seriously doubt anybody could paddle-in surf the unbroken waves he’s catching/riding. The take-off velocity is significantly higher and hydrofoil drag significantly lower. If you watch the video at the “ZeroTow website” link I posted, not a soul at the site where he is riding/surfing.
I see lots of towing possibilities. Increase horsepower and safety, a world of new horizons open ups.

I agree, and hence, that is why these caught my attention. The IG account I referenced is MisterBennets, and he rides a motorized foil as opposed to a foil towed by a motorized device. But it looks like a boatload of uncrowded fun.

Adam Bennetts (@misterbennetts) • Instagram photos and videos

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I was interested for similar reasons. I like that the towing craft is left behind while you ride without motor. Then it can be recalled.
In addition to tow-in possibilities and flat water towing, I see situations where it could be useful for energy conserving tow-out.

waterskiers and techno litters rejoice
a break throughh in modern cultural
evolution send me 21 of these

for my local spot
and my new visiting russian oligarchs
who always wanted to surf malibu
and the cojo point sunset waimea uluwhat=U
cant wait to wave to my mom on the beach
hey mom,I’m surfin too!
all I need now is a heated solar powered
wetsuit to surf yakatat,
this guy will go down in history
with the great inventors
like marconi I love marconi salad
yum,especially when lisening to the radio.
… ambrose…
aloha from waipouli

Your input is always entertaining No. 3.
The seasoning that creates the distinctive flavor of Sways…

proud to know you are entertained
life is worth living when there are
those who plumb the depths
of stream of thought as well as
a fifty five chevrolet revealing
G O A T enigma coincidence
there is a cozmic thread!
keep breathing aging organism
and perhaps we will synchronise
our breathing cycles with the ocean
and each another … afw… ambrose…

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