Interview with Robert Lion - Royal surfboards/UK


Robert Lion is a Swaylockian friend who is living and making boards in UK. Recently, Phoresia website ( made an interview with him. Click on the link below in order to know a little bit more about this guy’s history and about his boards:

Great interview.

Happy to see Mr. Lion get some recognition for his skill and hard work.


obrigado irmao… eu te devo muito

it took me by surprise honestly. everything is happening so fast these days…

i’d also like to thank all the sways for encouragement, and inspiration over the years. you’ve all been superb

Hi rob,

Really nice looking boards, its good to see UK based board maker getting some international recognition. Keep up the hard work.

I’ve got some family up near Newcastle, who know one day we might actualy bump into each other. small world and all.