Invisible delamination repair

Hi All,


I've read through the archives for information on delamination repair, and I know how to make a repair; but what's the best way to make the repair as invisible as possible?  The delam repairs I've done have all been on older boards with some sun tanning, and the repair darkens the foam.

I read somewhere that Bing Copeland (I think) recommended adding a very small amount of white pigment to the resin to make the repair.  Has anyone tried this with the resin injection method?  How did it work?

I just picked up a Rory Russell shaped Lightening Bolt in pretty good shape, but it has 2 small soft spots (and a  number of small dings) that I want to repair without ruining the looks of the board with dark spots.

Any guidance would be appreciated.




its really dificult to have it 100% invisable but yes, adding some white pigment will help out alot, note that the deeper the hole is the more white you will have to use, try mixing some off white pigment that maches your board and use that instead of just straight white, while your at it you should make enoughf to use on the rest of your repairs so you dont have a bunch of diffrent shades of white, good luck. post some pics when your done