Ireland Show and Tell...

I’m back from twenty five days gone…

A woven story of pictures and words created during my trip to Ireland, including the How To Workshop is posted here ---->


Wow, do I really live there. Every time I go up the west coast I get skunked!

You are a man of many talents Paul, and photography is certainly one of them.

Thanks that was a great read, man you eat a lot of pictures, and eat almost as may burgers. you managed to capture some of the many reasons that I love surfing and exploring the coast of our little group of islands. Glad you had fun.

here’s a couple I took.

Stone balancing I call this one " I need a Guiness"

Very nice Paul,

your photography and your eye for detail is truly remarkable. Looks like you’ve seen more of the Irish coast than me!!!

The boards look sweet too.


I did notice you commented on a photo of a castle and described it as ‘a century old’. Well we stopped building castles in Ireland a lot longer back than that, maybe you meant a millennium?

Also bloody Sunday was is 1972 if I remember correctly and not ‘10 years ago’.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your visit.

I’ll be on that course next time your back!


…and nobody out…



nitpicking, I did notice you commented on a photo of a castle and described it as ‘a century old’. Well we stopped building castles in Ireland a lot longer back than that, maybe you meant a millennium?

Also bloody Sunday was is 1972 if I remember correctly and not ‘10 years ago’.

Yeah, yeah, yeah…

My wife pointed out that stuff to me too…

I wrote most of that stuff very, very late at night…

I need not just spell check, I need “history check”…

sorry Paul,

we tend to be a bit sticky on our ‘history’ over here.

Great read and great visuals.

So where was the ‘best burger in Ireland’ then?

Fanore, Co. Clare

You REALLY got around too didn’t you?

Any idea what kind of millage you racked up? You must have covered most of the west/north coastline.

Delighted you scored, now tell no one.

There’s no waves in Ireland:)


You REALLY got around too didn’t you?

Any idea what kind of millage you racked up? You must have covered most of the west/north coastline.

Delighted you scored, now tell no one.

There’s no waves in Ireland:)

No seriously, there isn’t - those photos are photoshopped.

That link was the best pictorial presentation I have ever seen on swaylocks!

Just beautiful!!!

thanks for sharing,


That is the most amazing enjoyable blog I have seen !The wife is going to love it too.

Kind of reminds me of a mix of different parts of NZ , plus all the history.And people stoked on surfing and surfboards, well they’re the same all over.

So, any plans to come and do the same , here ?

If you like that, you might like this… PortugalTrip

No NZ plans yet, but Australia ia a GO…!!!..

Maybe a temporary site glitch, last 25% or so the captions were there but the pics blank. The best travelogue award goes to YOU! Thank you for putting it up. Now, where’s my travel agent… Really beautiful photography work. Great assist from the local landscape and culture and people. Thanks again!


Is the 7’11" fish just your travel board or your board of choice (general purpose)?

What do you normally ride at home?


…very nice pictures with great colors contrast and point of views

the non surf related ones, in the blog, reminds me to Enid Blyton s Famous Five adventures and spark again the desire to go these Islands


Is the 7’11" fish just your travel board or your board of choice (general purpose)?

What do you normally ride at home?

This past year it’s been that board…

Before that I’d ride my 11’6" spear in everything…

It changes year by year…

For the Ireland trip I had about a week to make a new travel board

So, I made a 7’5" for the trip…Hollow frame, 1/8" Poplar ply top and bottom…

I’ll ride that until the mood changes…

Thanks for this thread Paul. Very inspirational. Would loved to have been at the Portugal point with the larger waves in what looks to be very uncrowded conditions!

Amazing, inspirational, loved evry damm millimetre of it.

Got me so pumped to go to Ireland…except for the pub meal menu prices…I did the conversion from pounds to Aussie dollars and gasped…ah well I know how to catch a fish.

The Hyundai hotel was the Stones album equivalent of a surfing holiday if you know what I mean.

Great stuff.
