Is A Black Fin Box Stronger Than a White Fin Box?

Hey Fellow Swaylockians,

Here is a crazy line I got fed today and I want to know if any of you knew if this was true or not. So I went to a local surf shop today to pick up a white fin box as the white fin box on a used board I just bought is cracked through. The dude behind the counter tells me that they only have black ones but black ones are stronger anyway cause they don’t have to use pigment to make them. I bought one anyway because I needed a fin box not because I believed his line. It got me thinking though. Could this be true? After all, the fin box that cracked through was a white one.

What does the crew think?

Much gratitude to the Locks.

Mr. Tracy


The dude behind the counter tells me …

You get what you listen to, he’s not a thermonuclear plastics engineer is he…he’s just a dude behind the counter trying to get rid of black boxes…


You have been told the honest to God truth. The black ones ARE stronger.

“Once you try black…!”

I"m with BT…blacks ones seem to have some chopped glass inside, as opposed to just plastic on the white boxes.

Of course, he could be kidding, but I stand by my post…based on 25 year old observations.

If anyone would know, it would be Bill. I’d take his word for it.

Dear Chickslave,

Yes I (Bonta) got thinking too! You bought right! Black is stronger! White is weak and cracked! What color was the dude behind the counter?


“If it floats… surf over it!!!”

OK here it is, straight from Bill Bahnes mouth and he is a thermo plastics engineer, the black boxes are stronger

The base materials for injection moulding grades of plastics are all different. Some are crystal clear like Polycarbonate, some are milky like Polyethylene, others are a natural colour like Nylon 66 (an odd faun colour).

Adding lots of pigment to a plastic (white or black) would affect the mechanical strength (i.e. reduce it) of the plastic to some degree.

However if you add a reinforcing material like milled fiberglass, a dramatic improvement to the mechanicals is seen. Too much fiberglass percentage in the plastic can make the plastic more brittle but will have a high break strength.

So my guess is the black ones must have milled fibers, the white one must not (or possibly too much but unlikely), assuming they are both made of the same plastic.

makes going to uni worth it some times.

They’re both made of the same plastic, glass filled polycarbonate. Not sure on the percentage, but i think its around 20 to 40 per cent. Should be the same amount of glass in each color. Titanium oxide (white pigment) weakens the plastic substantially more than the black pigment. Just get 1 of each and drop them from about 2 feet up onto concrete and listen to the difference. Black one sounds tinny while the white one has a deeper thud sound.

is it possible that this all started because of the white fcs failures years ago…

…I used Brazilian boxes that are really better than FU boxes…in quality, in design and in materials…the only good thing about FU is that they have the smallest boxes…

…the blacks and the whites Brazilian s boxes are equal strong…

This is why Swaylocks rules. At first I thought the perverbial “dude” behind the counter was nuts, but he got me thinking and now we have the answer to a question none of us ever really thought to ask. Once you go black…

Thanks to all for the insight and to the sarcasm crew…may your decks be ever delaminated and your fin boxes be white

Much Stoke

Mr. T

“I pitty the fool who uses a white fin box with a 10 inch fin!”

Logboy was heading in the right direction with his description. But, fell short in his conclusion. The real reason that black boxes are stronger than white boxes is that it takes a larger concentration of pigment to make the base material white than it does to make it black. The strongest boxes would not have any pigment in them. But, there is far more to be gained in changing base materials. Just look at FCS’s change from cheap ass PVC to polycarbonate.

If you want to get a seriously strong fin box, you should go with a Chinook which by the way are always black.

Agree with Chinook box as strongest for sure!

And with the grooved sides, post thru to deck, you can actually run 13" tall fins and not have the box rip out…when put in correctly.

You are exactly right regarding the pigment concentrations.

I’ve used Chinook strong box for years. Both sailboards and surfboards.They are an oz. or two more.But a great product. Surforegon

Being that I build both windsurfers and surfboards, I have only seen the stronger used boxes made out of plastic that is black. If you really want a strong box use a Chinook box. It is a windsufer box that is installed on several high end longboards. I hit a fish going 20+ mph on my windsurfer and the only thing that happen was the fin tab was bent. The hit did catapult me off the board. There are several box manufactures in market. Some are better than others. I have found that some of the ones coming out of Asia are not up to the higher quality of the Western boxes.


Aloha! The white boxes always seem to de-lam along the edge after installation, whereas the black ones almost always seem to stick. Also, I’m pretty sure that the Chinook box is milled out of a solid piece of material, while the regular ones are two parts. Aloha…RH