Is it possible to shape a board and glass a board in one day?

For a “garage shaper”? Would love to start mowin’ the blank early on in the day, glass one side and let it sit for a bit, then glass the other.

Possible? Or should you let the glassing process sit a bit before glassing again?

Thanks! Looking forward to board #too

If you’re using UV and you’ve got the sunlight, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to do it all in one day. It’s actually better to glass all at once while the resin is still fresh – it won’t vastly improve the bond but it will help.

Is it possible to shape a board and glass a board in one day ?



WHY ???

[what’s the hurry ?]


I’ve shaped a few in the morning and surf them the next day, usually around 9AM as I don’t get up early to surf.

Figure shaping is done by 11, lam done by daylight, hots by 10PM, and plenty of time to didle the night away…

Very possible, I’ve done it more than a few times.

Shape in the morning, glass, filler coat, insert boxes, sand, and surf that evening, still sniffing the curing fumes.

Only real problem was denting the deck with feet and knees due to it being so freshly glassed. But then again, they cured the way I wore them in, so that wasn’t really a problem.

see the resorces;

Yes to the main question in fact, I did it on Wednesday. I am making some boards for a certain kind of surfing I’ve been doing lately which involves a canoe paddle of all things…

I made the board for the swell that’s hitting us right now but unfortuanately the wind is making the waves very ugly. Perfect swell direction for Laniakea but bad winds…

I can’t say I put the perfection effort into this thing but I did get it into the water and found out what I needed to know about it within 24 hours… I’m already working on the results of this on going project… My poor Asymmetrical board is still on hold… Haha!!!

Top view of my prototype 10’-2" Hybrid/Surf/Paddle/Canoe/Fun board… I don’t even know what to call these things yet! My friends call it the wave catching machine. I try not to grab to many near people though. If you were a jerk, you could dominate any crowd with it. I use a canoe paddle or wave ski paddle with it and surf up and down the coast. Get into waves real early and surf 4 or 5 different breaks all in one session… This board works very good and will be good in some solid waves too… By far the most fun I’ve had surfing has been with the canoe paddle on these big boards.

Fin set up…

my best results using either u.v. resin or regular is to shape and glass late in the day for the swell tomorrow, then in the morning the one side is cured well, do the deck , hotcoat quickly both sides, fins etc…even gloss if necessary, and bingo with in the 24 hour day you have a finished board you can destroy because it’s not cured…cool !.. God bless. … danny

Resinhead just posted a board he did in 12 hours

No. Not if you want it to last more than 1 month.

in my book rick holt still holds the record

7 hrs

what is a ‘’ board done ‘’

if all you need is rideable

you can leave off the gloss

clean enough lam you can leave off sanding

with a double hot coat…

you want it bad enough

its ready to ride…now

jimmy Irons told me last week

he cut out the templateon the blank and then

caught a couple sizzlers

he has yet to finish this commissioned board.


isnt didle spelled with two d’s


was it originalle spelled dittle?

baby talk for little?

no I just loked it up

but Dido was the mythical founder and queen of carthage

who worked a great land deal

by cutting a bull hide into thin strips.

did she do it in one day?


the menehune did stuff in one night.

now there’s a deal…

can you shape and glass a board in one night?

is december 22 in the northern hemisphere kinda cheating?

how bout december 22 in the southern hemisphere?


now there is a challenge

simultaneous board building

december 22 world wide

swaylox boards

started … and shipped … far away … same day

there is a travel board

and the shipping time would be cure time

the judges on arrival could grade finish

epoxy ? we too?


omnipotence is a aquired skill?

       ask DIDO

" now there is a challenge…

simultaneous board building

december 22 world wide

swaylox boards …

started … and shipped … far away … same day

there is a travel board, and the shipping time would be cure time

the judges on arrival could grade finish "

…comments , please ?


Ambrose,Beat Rick by an hour(under 6 hrs)that’s with mekp in very dry 100+degree weather.In under 4 hrs w/UV catalyst.Both sand finish.The UVer is well… see my hybrid SC fish shown in the Big Sur 2005 gathering.Herb

Howzit Ambrose, Jimmy was telling me about him riding just a shaped blank the other day, Thought that was pertty funny but a waste of a blank. I think it was actually a big body board and I mean big. He said he is into trying to get more inside the tube laying on his belly.Aloha,Kokua

Of course mate!

Before I do exclusively the shape working (from 82 to 93), I had no partners to make the glassing and sanding jobs. Sometimes, a customer needed a board to replace a broken one during his/her vacations, or because it appeared an opportunity to make a trip to some special place, so I wake up early in the morning and schedulled the job as follows: from 8:00 to 9:30 shaping; glassing, fins placement, and hot coating until 11:00; from 1:00 to 1:45 sanding; from 2:00 to 3:00 glossing; finally, from 5:00 to 6:00wetsanding (320+400). Easy busy, money in the pocket, and a happy customer!

…well, its possible if you dont matter with the cosmetics (quality finish) or if you do a simple board design(not custom shape, intrincated color work, etc)…

…also its insane do that all everyday all the year or years…

Howzit Ambrose, John Delaney did two in about 8 hours the first time he used UV resin. When I was building boards in H.B. in the late 60’s one of the shapers at Infinity would shape the blank in the morning ,get it to me by 11 AM and I would have it done by 5 PM and that was before UV resin and in the winter. But I would tell the buyer not to ride the board for a few days so it could cure, one guy decided not to listen and took it out at Manhatten beach closing out and it broke and then he had the balls to diss my glass job. I told him he should have done what I told him and to kiss my okole. Aloha,Kokua

del told me about a shorty kid board

uv resin with boxes

like under an hour?

shape legends are down to twenty minutes

nominal sanding …

the UV could get the completion time down to 3-4 hours

If carl can paddle to niihau in 3 hours

there is no reason the bord making cant get down to 2 1/2 hrs…


if sam clemes were alive he could write the account.


what about a build off the next sways get together? that would be fun to watch!!! must start from blank and be surfable afterwards.


a sways get together at an abandoned warehouse in an industrial area

would mean that ya’d have to have multi racks and equiptment to accomodate multi technicians and materials to match>>?

a grand plan…

the private island formerly owned by Dr. No would be nice as he no loner has need of it.there is also a large cashe of rubber gloves ready and waiting…


lots of space

would help to keep the simularities to a minimum