in my book rick holt still holds the record
7 hrs
what is a ‘’ board done ‘’
if all you need is rideable
you can leave off the gloss
clean enough lam you can leave off sanding
with a double hot coat…
you want it bad enough
its ready to ride…now
jimmy Irons told me last week
he cut out the templateon the blank and then
caught a couple sizzlers
he has yet to finish this commissioned board.
isnt didle spelled with two d’s
was it originalle spelled dittle?
baby talk for little?
no I just loked it up
but Dido was the mythical founder and queen of carthage
who worked a great land deal
by cutting a bull hide into thin strips.
did she do it in one day?
the menehune did stuff in one night.
now there’s a deal…
can you shape and glass a board in one night?
is december 22 in the northern hemisphere kinda cheating?
how bout december 22 in the southern hemisphere?
now there is a challenge
simultaneous board building
december 22 world wide
swaylox boards
started … and shipped … far away … same day
there is a travel board
and the shipping time would be cure time
the judges on arrival could grade finish
epoxy ? we too?
omnipotence is a aquired skill?
ask DIDO