…the leash…
Lose the leash, go faster, no?
…the leash…
Lose the leash, go faster, no?
No. Not to a significant degree. During a ride, the leash is skittering on the surface, not being draged through the water.
One experienced friend of mine has changed to short board leashes on his long boards, and thinks the drag is reduced, I tried it, seems good.
In miniature waves maybe it adds drag. That's when I take mine off - a perception thing. But feels good to surf without it, like going commando
I don’t use a leash unless it’s very crowded or there are board eating rocks though there are some hard swims at a few spots up here. I find I usually fall on or near the board when I am logging it, on a shortboard, it seems to pop up close by.
Leashes create drag when you paddle, period.
One spot here has such thick kelp that leashes lose more waves for surfers than they gain by not losing a board. I surf there a lot without a leash, it has death rocks ut because it’s such a tight point set up, my board always ends up out on the face when things go wrong.
With our fast changing conditions, I find that a swim in and a paddle out can give a fresh look at how conditions are switching up. Always a set coming through when you turn to paddle back out it seems.
aw shux
ya gotta give credit
where credit is due
the greatest source of drag
is what makes all us kooks
go straight paddling out
and turn llike 18 year old rabbit kekai
that penetrating proboscus that
seperates the surfboards from
construction paraphenalia
on top of a passing diesel pick up truck
the crutch training wheels ah yes the
appendage cherrished by technique shortcutters
since tom blake unleashed the common man
with the opportunity to dominate the coastal landscape
just like the leash and stand up paddle…
let us sit back and read the minutes of the
Palos Verdes surf club meeting from way back when
when they debated the validity of that
bolt on waterski skeg.
yes swim apparel is drag.
the acceptable amount of drag
is a matter of fashion.
what is kelly or tommy or pat or john kelly
riding this year…
john kelly is drag free .
his eternal spirit
taking off behind the silver surfer
on an intergalactic light pulse
cutting back and spraying stardust on
alpha centauri trimming up
for the bowl section in orion’s belt.
yes no leash is way faster.
and no body is faster yet.
The biggest source of drag is… my ass! Ha!
IMO, it’s the plane of the board relative to the surface of the water. At low speeds, that includes rocker.
(chuckling ) mine too, man, mine too....
But I'd suspect that rocker, incorrect rocker, is the greatest source of drag. On a planing surface, parts of it that are in contact with the water that are not either perfectly parallel with the water surface or generating only enough lift to hold up the weight of board and rider, those are causing drag in a big way. Excessive tail kick, excessive overall rocker, those are sucking the board down and making drag.
On the flip side, consider how surprisingly quick things like original, flexy bodyboards are. Or surf mats, or flex kneeboards. They conform to the water, making a 'least drag' surface.
Now, it'd be kinda tough to make a standard surfboard that'd do that, the load is kinda single-point. But with, for instance, a hollow board with a relatively stiff deck and flexy bottom it might be interesting....
I don’t notice a difference between leash and leashless. I wear a leash on a longboard on crowded days, and the main reason I avoid wearing one unless there is a crowd is because it is a pain in the ass to cross step with them sometimes. Shortboarding, I will admit is a lot more fun with a leash on. I can go for a maneuver and not worry about falling, this is especially true when the water is in the upper 30’s.
smaller, thinner leashes seem better to me, who cares if I stretch them.... still havent snapped one...but I use thicker ones when waves are serious...and no leggy when its tiny, doesnt hurt to swim sometimes....
if you can reduce the drag in several places even by a tiny amount, the overall reduction is considerably noticeable...and when its all about going fast, then it does make a difference...
Yeah, I'd say the board, in particular the rocker.
Next is fins.
his eternal spirit
taking off behind the silver surfer
on an intergalactic light pulse
cutting back and spraying stardust on
alpha centauri trimming up
for the bowl section in orion's belt.
Dang,,, Ambrose ,,,Where do you come up with this stuff???
Oh and to the rest of you guy's,,,
There is no drag in surfing.
his eternal spirit
taking off behind the silver surfer
on an intergalactic light pulse
cutting back and spraying stardust on
alpha centauri trimming up
for the bowl section in orion's belt.
Dang,,, Ambrose ,,,Where do you come up with this stuff???
I was am doing my normal Sunday morning thing..drinking my coffee, checking out Sways and watching the morning arrive..I read this and I am instantly teleported to this intergalactic surfspot trying to imagine what cutting back and spraying stardust would feel like....These tubes have to be the mind blowing with Hendrix on the Ipod..Wow! ..This is one break that I would not wear a leash....Time for breakfast..
There is no drag in surfing.
winner winner...
old stinky farts,with logs that clog the line-up .
form drag, made up by all of the forms on a surfboard
rocker, rails, fins, bottom contours
i suspect rocker and fin toe-in are the biggest drag forming feautures
old stinky farts,with logs that clog the line-up .
Be nice to your friends (Fred and Myself) LOL!!!
a board too small for the surfer it must support
a board with the wrong rocker for the conditions
a 10’ 1/4" leash on a 6’ board
a “star fin” or “wavegrinder” fin on a board with too much (4"-5") tail rocker
because it’s slowwwwww-er…
…turbo fin…lol.
okay kenny,
call and stop by,or i can come by your way.
the wife and kiddies are gone for the day ,ya !
…you gotta see this…bring your camera !