Is the San Diego Fish Fry still on?

And can I come? And stay with you? What’s for dinner?

Kidding about staying with you, but is it still on. I’d like to be there. And bring my fish.

I’m going if I can sneak out of some meetings.

I think it’s on a sunday 5/7

I’ll have to find my way up there somehow from the convention center…

don’t know what to bring up there yet

but what ever it is I’m gonna leave it behind with Keith guys so if you folks want to find out what it is you can followup with him later after I return home.

If I can get it in time I might bring up my new Griffin 5-fin fish to get him some exposure at the fry…

It’s a hell of a good design and needs some press and drool factor…

won’t be anything special

definitely be made out of EPS and have some bamboo weave on her skin though…

I’ll post some pics this weekend of the option for a vote.

retro is just a state of mind

there’s alot of good new designs out there too…

I hope you meant sunday 5/7…

may 7, for west coast. The east coast one from what I got from their posts . . . kinda fell thru, and the surf wasn’t promoting for it.

they started a new thread, but no real info . … someone asked why . . . JJR on surfermag started it . . . maybe start with PM 'ng him.

fish fry. may 7th at north Jetty at the oceanside harbor.

Still on. 05/07 north jetty oceanside 9am. to 1pm. The list of hopeful shaper attendees keeps growing. I say hopeful because sometimes stuff comes up and plans get changed…or it could be that they’re just shapers and forget.

So Far to name a few we hope to have

Skip Frye

Rich Pavel

Chris christenson

Eric christenson

Eric Huffman /Joe Roper & South san diego crew

Mike Hynson

Manny Mandela

Ezera surfboards

Kane garden surfboards

Channel island surfboards

Rusty surfboards

John Keyes

Michael Zippi

Gary Mcnabb

Jeff Clark

Mauricio Gil

And more

Should be a very diverse array of boards on hand to ogle over!!

Hope you can make it!

coming from the surf starved area of Tampa, may have to FedEx my board. Try to have some surf, please. And some warm water.

What no JP?


there’s plenty of camping if you want to rough it. San Onofre State campground is maybe 20 minutes from O’side.…goto=/maps/CAA6.html

If you need a ride or anything just shout.

Thanks, but I’m covered.


there’s plenty of camping if you want to rough it. San Onofre State campground is maybe 20 minutes from O’side.…goto=/maps/CAA6.html

If you need a ride or anything just shout.

Thanks, but I’m covered.