Is there any design that doesn't have followers?


Did you actually ride that “snowshoe board?” If so how did it ride? He does resemble that old big foot footage. Mike

Sorry Chipper,

Got a cupboard full of those.

Sssh! My wife doesn’t know!

…but don’t the multiple-wing gash scars all over your head make her a BIT suspicious ?

or are you still wearing your foil hat every day , dougie ?

[good idea , that , just the thing for those cold Adelaide winters , I reckon …keep your head nice and warm , and slowly bake your brain , too ! [just be careful , and , please …remember to take it off , when you stick your head in the microwave , to check on how your coffee is going eh mate ? I know I do !]



The aluminum foil hats are a joke that comes from the conspiracy minded camp. There are actually some people that truly believe the government is using radiant energy to try to control their minds. To prevent their brains from being hijacked by electromagnetic mind control (EMC), some of them will actually warp their cranial region in aluminum foil. On the message board we occasionally see posts that are of the aluminum foil hat nature - nutty. This is where the foil wearing smilie icon comes in handy."

Hey Benny,

The resemblance is quite striking no?

I wonder if bigfoot’s regular or goofy? or if he fancies epoxy over poly…or if those long arms of his bum other surfers out because he steals all their waves…or if he has a pair of custom udt’s???


Here’s a dumb question:

If there is a design that doesnt have a following, how would we know?

Hey Craftee,

that’s very true, very true…and very zen. it’s like that saying: “if a tree in the forest falls and no one hears it fall did it really fall?”


PS what ever happened to the “mee” part of your name?

the tree has to make a sound, where else would the enrgy go? heat? the tree would burst into flames. just compress the ground? there would be huge craters in the forest.

Here's a dumb question:

If there is a design that doesnt have a following, how would we know?

Well, when I posed the original question, I was thinking more along the lines of boards that had a following once but nowdays no one is interested in them at all. You know, like “these were all the rage in 1975, but now we all realize they are terrible and no one would bother surfing one.” It seems there are people out there surfing (on purpose even!) every board type I can think of that was the “standard” board at any point in the last 40 years.

I love that. It’s a very nice counterpoint to all the talk of surfboards of the future and hightech this and that. (but hey, i’m a guy who has two cars: one a '69 and one a '72).

Well then how bout this alternative:

Is there a design who’s degree of popularity descented just as quickly as it rose?

Im no expert, but I’d have to say the MR twin. Im not saying that it wasnt a good design, just that the rise and fall of its popularity seems unmatched. I could be wrong.


Thought I’d bump this one.

With the recent threads on Wegener’s alaia experiments and a couple of years ago Bonga Perkins and the late Dale Velzy’s work with Hot Curls, it would be interesting to see if other historical branches in design have been receiving any attention.

I’ve seen quite a bit of Skimboarders actually riding waves and popping airs, this is interesting in a sense that they have no fins and work totally off a unsofisticated board and rail line and yet push the performance envelope.

What have you guys seen lately?

As for designs that come and go, well the swallow-tailed fish in all it’s mutations seems to me to be the most popular design on sways…

Here's a dumb question:

If there is a design that doesnt have a following, how would we know?

Well, when I posed the original question, I was thinking more along the lines of boards that had a following once but nowdays no one is interested in them at all. You know, like “these were all the rage in 1975, but now we all realize they are terrible and no one would bother surfing one.” It seems there are people out there surfing (on purpose even!) every board type I can think of that was the “standard” board at any point in the last 40 years.

I love that. It’s a very nice counterpoint to all the talk of surfboards of the future and hightech this and that. (but hey, i’m a guy who has two cars: one a '69 and one a '72).

Every retro fad has been pretty short-lived. Retro short singles faded very quickly. I know a few moderate ability surfers tried them after never riding anything but thrusters, and they got rid of them in weeks. They were just too tough to turn. Twins scarcely lasted. Goes back to the right combo of looseness and hold. Too loose. Quads have a little more legs. Now it is going to super short boards.

Its a generational cycle. I think we are roughly in the mid to late 80s, which means narrower banana rockers should be next, followed by longboarding with style again.

And throughout it all, more than four out of five surfboards has been a shortboard thruster.

BTW, Slim, nice car.

I like to hope the S-deck doesn’t have followers. Those boards sucked when they came out, and they still suck now.

I kinda like what the “retro fad” has done for surfing. That’s what it has taken to break us out of the thruster only mentality. Regardless of specific old designs sticking or not, thinking back has helped us think forward. For being “free thinkers”, surfers are a conservative group. There has been a lemming mentality that needs to be broken. Surfers should ride all kinds of boards. We don’t drive the same cars, choose the same neighborhoods, lust after the same girls, agree on politics, or any number of other things in our individual lives… Why do we think we have to surf the same boards?

While the stubbie s-deck seems over (for now), the Boss board has a fervent following… Bob O’s been trying to make the ‘perfect ten foot board’ for a looooong time now & his s-deck isn’t going away…

Bob O's been trying to make the 'perfect ten foot board' for a looooong time now ...


Is there such a thing as the perfect ten foot board… I guess if you want to take your whole family surfing at the same time… hahaha, just kidding.

Hey! I resemble that remark!

Well…not the whole family bit. But its hard for me to imagine a ‘perfect’ board that isn’t ten foot :wink:

Although, the Hydroglas family of work does take some getting used to…



Every retro fad has been pretty short-lived.

Who cares? Who cares what the sheeple at the local ride. Make what you want – ride what you want.

“works better” – whatever.

It’s just turns on a wave. If I want to tiptoe through the tulips, I’ll tiptoe through the tulips.

Thruster sales don’t mean shite, to me.

Your mileage may vary.



Well, when I posed the original question, I was thinking more along the lines of boards that had a following once but nowdays no one is interested in them at all. You know, like “these were all the rage in 1975, but now we all realize they are terrible and no one would bother surfing one.” It seems there are people out there surfing (on purpose even!) every board type I can think of that was the “standard” board at any point in the last 40 years.

It was never a standard board, but back around 76/77/78 was the…can’t remember the name…reverse stinger? Instead of the stinger or wings near the tail they were up about the same position near the nose. Saw a full-page ad in Surfing for them, heard about them, and never, ever saw one. I thought that was the most loony idea ever.

Of course now 30 years later I’m sitting here thinking it increased volume on the back 2/3 of the board where volume made a difference, wasn’t interfering with the rail line (singles back then)…at least it wasn’t as outlandish as I thought at the time and for a long time since. That’s probably what a steady diet of Swaylock’s does to us…

here’s one to stir up the camp-----the Holmsey Sidewinder-out of Fla. USA–a one trick pony that was a noserider during the nose craze of the mid 60’s I have NEVER seen one since! but Any ONe could hang ten on it, ANYONE!


here’s one to stir up the camp-----the Holmsey Sidewinder-out of Fla. USA–a one trick pony that was a noserider during the nose craze of the mid 60’s I have NEVER seen one since! but Any ONe could hang ten on it, ANYONE!

I don’t think this design has many (or any) followers. It’s just too silly: