is this "okay" ??!!

I took this shot during this morning’s session …

And , I am just wondering how close those kite things are REALLY supposed to be going to areas where people are surfing ?

…anyone know ?

[he came over the back of the wave , so didn’t even SEE Ian till he was on the wave ?! …And even then , he clearly wasn’t looking .]

I really wish this shot was in focus , because I would like to show it to the beach inspector / clubbie guy .

… this kite"surfer" has now been there three times in a row while we , and plenty of others, have been surfing .

And I’m thinking if he rode his board full speed up your spine , head or …er… rect… , he could do some SERIOUS injury to people !


Kiteys are a funny lot… but at least he want behind the surfer, would you get irked if a longboarder had gone behind?

Happy soon birthday chip! How old??? 14??? LOL!

That’s a HUGE kiteboard.

Where I live, no conflicts. KBers like onshores, surfers like offshores. And never the twain shall meet. Lots & lots of both around here, but I’ve never seen them try to inhabit the same waves at the same time…

Maybe its going to be the emerging legions of matriders who have to worry about kiters?

The kiteboarder would be at fault if an accident did occur.Herb

I say not good at all. All kinds of kite boarders in Oregon, looks fun, but dont know how many times I’ve heard about people not knowing what there doing and getting drug across rocks and parking lots. Not looking out for others makes this guy a KOOK. Hope you guys dont get hurt having all that fun on those mats… Maybe you can deflate your mat some, that way you’re lower in the water when he runs you over. Like alligators and hydroplanes.