Is this true?

What new kneeboard experiment does Greeonugh surf on now? Last heard it was all behind him. Sooner or later age gets the better of us.

Last heard it was all behind him. Sooner or later age gets the better of > us. I’ve been told that George Greenough still has the energy of a stoked grom; actively riding his Neumatic Surfmats and quietly developing mind-blowing inventions that the majority of us will probably never know about. Perhaps some things just get better with time?

he is riding sail boards with the usual size sails and tiny little boards like 6’0’ long. cant remember where i saw it but ive seen pics of them. he says once you fall off they dont really float. greenough is a cyko!!! rrraaaaaa

.cant remember where i saw it but ive seen pics of them. Try the most recent issue of Pacific Longboarder magazine. I think that’s where I saw the interview.

Last heard it was all behind him. Sooner or later age gets the better of > us. – Unless George has had a dramatic change in the last 2-3 weeks, hes in better health (mental as well as physical) and has more energy than most surfers half his age. To the best of my knowledge he hasnt been a kneeboarder in years… But I do know from our conversations that George is still a very active sailboarder and rides his surfmats exclusively, in mediocre waves or not… on a daily basis.

–>>> Unless George has had a dramatic change in the last 2-3 weeks, hes in > better health (mental as well as physical) and has more energy than most > surfers half his age. To the best of my knowledge he hasnt been a > kneeboarder in years… But I do know from our conversations that George > is still a very active sailboarder and rides his surfmats exclusively, in > mediocre waves or not… on a daily basis. Spence, Dale and Ajl are all right-he hasn’t surfed a kneeboard spoon in years, continues to ride mats and sailboard spoons(see latest Pacific Longboarder magazine, as their is a small piece on current Greenough doings),and is always tinkering with and developing stuff.

The last time i spoke to george he was working on a hollow 3’8 kneeboard similar to velo but it was made of lightweight cement. and he was getting his hair cut in a hairdressers for once instead of putting that damn bowl on his head