
Any New York locals want to give me their impressions on the feasability of good clean swell up there next week? I know the swell is going to get in there next week for sure but what are the long term wind conditions looking like? Thanks, S.

a tight presure gradiant w/ the potential for strong south winds

Following a relatively placid week in the Northeast, the weather has taken a more gloomy tone. The area of surface high pressure responsible for the pleasant weather earlier this week has retreated into the Atlantic, channeling low clouds and moisture into the region. Winds gusting from 20 to 30 mph will persist near the beaches of the Mid-Atlantic States to Long Island, thanks to the pressure difference between the aforementioned high and low pressure both to the south and west. When will the skies clear? Unfortunately, a frontal system will arrive by Monday, bringing a chance of rain and scattered storms mainly along the Appalachians. Mid-Atlantic to Southern New England residents should continue to pay close attention to the progress of Hurricane Isabel this coming week into late week. Be ready and prepare should Isabel try to sneak up the coast with gusty winds, rain, and high surf.

Mike - Winds s.e. & s. thru Tues. Wed. wind north becoming n.e. 10 to 15 mph. Thurs. wind n.e. 20 mph waves building (in the 20 mi. offshore report)to 15-18 ft. After that it’s a crapshoot re: how Isabel tracks. The present window of movement looks like one scenario could have it sliding up along the coast - and you know who’s in its way then. Pete

it’s looking pretty choppy and blown out in the mid-atlantic from wed. to friday. tues and the weekend are looking best. 20’ in OBX, wish it wasn’t storm surf. keep us posted all right coasters

If Isabel stays off shore and just moves between Bermuda and the ec in the next few days - I’d say come east and surf. All parts of LI will be showing. All we can do is watch the winds. There is supposed to be a lull in the crappy weather mid-week that could make it clean-up some, but that is a guess at best now and will affect only the begining of the bigger Isabel swell (though I gotta say that she’s been out there for a while already and there are waves on LI now - doesn’t look like local swell… My guess is that she is already affecting us there will be waves as long as she stays over the ocean). 150 mph plus near the eye, and an eye that’s very wide, makes a big effect. If she keeps tracking west/N/W and slides into the SE coast, we’ll still have ‘good’ surf here this week, but not the really big stuff. check… Florida & NY. Plenty of waves. but maybe not the ‘weight’ you hope to find yet. Best, Eric J

Mike!..There has been a lot of EAST in the winds, lately…junking it up for most beach breaks. The ticket has been the “streets” between the jetties (and early morning, of course). The wind is forecast to go offshore on wednesday with an accompanying low front(and some SUN…which we’ve not had for about four days)…but it’s hard to say. You know how n.y. is… very fickle …even with juice headed our way. Last week I caught a perfect day (5’-7’) and only 5 guys out!

its 5-8 ft here in virginia beach and glassy for the most part. fun fun fun. no work getting done. haha.

Still a lot of uncertaiinnty but… depending on the track and quickness of the storm, I’d say your best bet is Rhode island. Friday might be HUGE and scary, look for things to start calming down on Saturday and Sunday. Check matunick, lighthouse, point Judith, ruggles would be huge. Best thing about RI is that there is usually offshores somewhere. Ideal wind is usually Northerlies, which you get right when the hurriccane is moving out. Not as knowledgable about NY. But certain places go off on a nice Northeast wind flow. You can drive all the way out to Montauk, where it will most likely be the biggest. But there a a number pf decent places closer to the city. Hell you could stay in NYC and take the subway out to Rockaway and catch a sick swell even. Cost you $3 round trip. Throw in a another 3 bucks for a coney dog and a coke and you have one hell of a day. Drew

fickle is right. wednesday appears to be the most likely day for good conditions…maybe after she passes by as well??

Monday, September the 15th: Swell will be coming in from 128 degrees with 3 to 5 foot surf with 9 second periods. Tuesday, September the 16th: Our call is for an increase in Swell energy compared to yesterday. Swell will be coming in from 156 degrees with 6 to 9 foot surf with 15 second periods. Wednesday, September the 17th: We’re expecting an increase in Swell energy. Swell will be coming in from 153 degrees with 8 to 12 foot surf with 14 second periods. Thursday, September the 18th: Our call is for an increase in Swell energy compared to yesterday. Swell will be coming in from 141 degrees with 21 to 25 foot surf with 14 second periods. Friday, September the 19th: Swell energy is looking similar to yesterday. Swell will be coming in from 143 degrees with 18 to 25 foot surf with 13 second periods. Saturday, September the 20th: Look for a decrease in Swell energy from yesterday. Swell will be coming in from 154 degrees with 7 to 9 foot surf with 9 second periods.


Surprisingly, ahead of schedule, tuesday a.m. the wind switched offshore to a light to 3-7mph northwest wind! (up here, in N.Y.). Again, I was treated to 6 foot semi-glassy waves! (as with last week). yet again, only a few guys out! Big plus…the SUN came out and I’ve just renewed my tan! Was a beautiful day, light wind, no one out. I am grateful. barebacked it, too! 70 degree gulf H20. A nice day, for sure! Today (wed.) wind is already whipping - at substantially greater speeds. Yesterday was the ticket, although this evening -if wind cuts out- might hold another gem of a session. Virginia beach still looked good on the news forecasts, but Hatteras is looking a tad choppy with the approaching winds. P.S. Reef road sure IS a nice break when it happens…would love to see pics of the last few swells down Fla. way. ENJOY! T.

Yesterday, Tuesday, I showed up at work in Atlantic City and the waves were huge. They were breaking a good 1/2 mile out and the white water was rolling all the way into the beach. I checked the web cam for 7th street in Ocean City and there were clean sets coming of about 4 to 6 feet. I could believe the difference only abut 6 miles made in conditions. After work I went to 57th street in OC and there must have been 100 guys out and the waves were all closing out. Drove over to Strathmere and there were nice 4 ft plus waves peeling off the jetty and only about 5 guys out. I had my best session of the year, I am still on the high from it. Today, Wednesday, the winds are blowing hard out of the north, seas still very rough. But I am happy.

this am – 9-11 – very fun – offshore – not as big as expected – wing got on it though – still fun – thanks izzy