ISO Inkscape Guru

Happy New Year All,

Perhaps one could situate a KSWave near a mellow coastline like Florida’s gulf coast to get some salt water then just use a filtration system and avoid chemical additives … just a thought.

Anyway, here’s my problem see, I’ve got bitmap n I need svg. OK so I use Inkscape to get my svg see, I’m just not satisfied I’m getting the cleanest smoothest lines and I want to make some templates. If you are adept with Inkscape, how about a walk through?

From those to this I can do,

The bottom is svg and smoother but still when they are printed at scale they aren’t perfect. There must be a perfect way. If you can help, thanks in advance, if not, happy new year and don’t forget to add a longboard wave designed for nose riding to KSperfect wave if posssible. Thnx


The gui looks great here IMO, good job.

Hi WideAWAKE- it’s only been 30 years since I last heard that musical selection. Good morning!

Hi Dlock-

Solution #1: flexible batten and pencil. If you have it full size on paper already why not fair it old-school?

Solution #2: BoardCAD or Draftsight. More work than #1 but less than #3 if you know either program

Solution #3, since you asked:

(a) load up reference file in Inkscape

(b) draw the stringer line and line at end of board with the Bezier line tool. This can be done first or last, doesn’t matter.

(c) draw rail line in with Bezier line tool, making straight lines that kiss the rail. Only use 4-5-6 segments to get around the rail otherwise steps (e-g) take too long

(d) use the edit node button, select first rail segment

(e) use autosmooth button

(f) repeat step (e) on all rail segments

(g) move nodes and control points until they match your source image and the curve pleases you…this is the fussy part that is easier for me in other programs…the virtual ‘bent stick’

(h) save the file, remove the bitmap, scale, print…lather, rinse, repeat.

Sliding glass patio doors are nice for taping plots together. I stretch a thread for the stringer and line everything up to that before taping the plots in place.

Thank you JR for the comprehensive walk through. Post of the year in the first week. Excellent.

Hi Dlock, you are welcome and thanks for the kind words. So many people here have answered my questions, glad to try to return the favor. I hope we get to see your new board too.