it came upon an aprils fools eve

I was starting the noodles and the pesto fresca was slaking in the bowl.

the guy up front in the yard was on a quest…

His son - in - law sent him to me he wanted a wall hanger and said wood out loud…

I took 'im on an orientation tour arround the yard and broke the news about the rarity and expenseof a wooden board and ,as I have suggested often ,perhaps a model solid wood boardmight do the trick as well as keeping the freight in line with survivable reality…

so the short of it is he said how about 50.oo less than You just said…

I says" then i wont sign it

and just one coat of sanding sealer"

I said" lets take a ride to the lumber yard"

I return with a piece o’ poplar 2x6x12

and set to work trying to bring this project in under 300.oo…

so today I have 12 hours into the jobx20.00=


and about 50.oo for poplar,40z zap-a gap 33.oo

mahogany tbanding pine 3/4" with two 3/8 offsets at 2",4" 1nd 6’'whata beaut!

so hers the dilema…do I stop work and take the money?

or do I finish the bugga and make a second wood board outa pine and mahogany and with a sophisticated approach come in under the 300.oo


I’m thinkin’ that this poplar mahogany job is worth 500.oo…

what’s a poor boy to do cept to sing in a rock in roll band?

what’s it worth?

usually I quote10.oo an inch in length

60’’ is 6oo.oo

when I offred/bid this job at 300 I think I was dreaming! ?


your prices are highway robbery. we charge $4 per centimeter. …think metric…

my friend ben gets 500.oo for a tow blank glued up in albezia and hau bush and…? those Rhino blanks were 5oo.00 ten= years ago…how does this go …ambrose ,…input input? im thinkin about pine and doug fir and cedar…spruce?..

The following is no april fools joke: A guy came into my shop, saw the stingray, unfinished, mind you, and aksed me if I could make him one for between $1500.00-$2000.00. I said Yes. YEEHAWW! I might use the funds to fly over and help you recoup some of your costs Ambrose.

I saw two Billy Hamilton tow boards in the pre finished CDR rack on Tuesday. They were solid wood, too heavy for use and ment for wall hangers. The word was a similar board with a signature from his son and a cool poster brought $17,000.00 at auction.

…hmmm…no son’s…have daughter’s…

Don’t make me turn this jetski around! You are charging Jaws today and that’s final…

…roxy tow board wall hangers…

sittin’ on the throne an old journal was in my hands as me woife wa’talkin to me an I spied a blurb about mr young chargin 250.oo a foot for veneered shaped foamies and that artickle was years old!?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah?I got three daughters and they don’need no stinkin badges…

an two sons who only need to grow old to make me feel successful…

the woodie is a beaut …

three coats of sanding sealer and unsigned…

I’m gonna make another outa pine and poplar an’ maybe cedar fer accent…

with the templates and process mebe I can hit the three hunski mark…

keep the hours down to10 hours…

that mahogany poplar job is an easy 500.oo …

i’m up to an easy twenty hours o’ work,…

spar varnish will make it amber gris gris…

…ambrose…come on down aq,I should have a paddle ready for ya.How tall are ye? the new one might be just right

As I was “supervisin” your work on the woody model, aka kibbitzing the best I could, I was hesitant to ask “So what you gonna charge for this thing?” maybe me knowin’ at some inner level you hadn’t settled on its worth, and I got to thinking that the exercise is the same as it always is, to wit, the buyer needs to appreciate the worth in thought, materials, skinned knuckles, worn tools, swearing, sweat, and soul pouring, and to think about the cabbages and kings talk and the grand tour of the yellow buildinged empire, when he hangs it on his dry wall and brags.

In other words, get him to pay for you to sign it. If not, maybe we can try to surf it!