it's always overhead in south africa


Proneman = maybe one of the most surf stoked people on the planet.

One day he’s calling for wind conditions at Rincon, the next off to Hawaii, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Malibu, and back to Jeffery’s.

Right on Proneman! That wave is beautiful…

like i said before- i REALLY need to be on proneman’s retirement plan-asap! right on Roger!

proneman, what are you on? body board, mat or paipo?

Really a beautiful wave.

Roger drags a foot where the rest of us would drag a hand! You can tell Roger’s from L.A. 'cause he doesn’t point his toes…

The board is an old(1993) 8-8 mini-gun that Paul Gross made for me. I brought it down here last September but never really got good waves on that trip. I left it with Mikey Meyer who built me another board(8-6). I am waiting for proper waves to assess the new one. The 8-8 works good, but with many repairs after surfing Rincon leashless over the years, it, (as well as I) is heavier that I would like.

The only problem with Supertubes is that you can’t really surf it on much smaller waves than the one shown. The wave will lock you in and then bounce you off the shelf if precaution is not taken. I have only been enticed to lay down ride on a handful this trip as I got worked good last year.

Maybe if I return again, I would bring a Paipo…which is in my future and or another mini-gun in the 8 foot to 8-8 range. Longboards do not work at Supers very well.

On the photo…notice the light from the squid boat in the background. The nice photo was taken by my mate Jay before the sun came up.


Roger(praying for swell)