It's gotta be Herb

By looking into History of your computer, how many times have you visited Swaylock? Who takes the prize?

By looking into History of your computer, how many times have you visited > Swaylock? Who takes the prize? Only “S” would know that info…but you’re probably correct.Herb.

Only “S” would know that info…but you’re probably > correct.Herb. Keep on posting Herb! Maybe I’ll see you when you come up to see S.B. Good luck w/ your hard work.

Keep on posting Herb! Maybe I’ll see you when you come up to see S.B. Good > luck w/ your hard work.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I hope to get some surfing in when I’M up there.Maybe if things go right we could have a surf session.Then I plan on going up the coast to Cambia to see a friend,maybe meet some new ones,and push north to S.C. FOR A DAY OR TWO,then back down the coast.Herb.