By looking into History of your computer, how many times have you visited Swaylock? Who takes the prize?
By looking into History of your computer, how many times have you visited > Swaylock? Who takes the prize? Only “S” would know that info…but you’re probably correct.Herb.
Only “S” would know that info…but you’re probably > correct.Herb. Keep on posting Herb! Maybe I’ll see you when you come up to see S.B. Good luck w/ your hard work.
Keep on posting Herb! Maybe I’ll see you when you come up to see S.B. Good > luck w/ your hard work.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I hope to get some surfing in when I’M up there.Maybe if things go right we could have a surf session.Then I plan on going up the coast to Cambia to see a friend,maybe meet some new ones,and push north to S.C. FOR A DAY OR TWO,then back down the coast.Herb.