it's in the water

I’m just wondering if any other surfers are concerned about contamination of our westcoast waters by fukushima’s waste, hell hawaii is even closer. Maybe we should be getting tested since were out there all the time…

It’ll be in the aquatic plant life, then the food chain - just as well we’re the top of the food chain, that way we consume all of the pollutants absorbed aloong the way, it’s called Bio-Magnification, and for humans it’s not really a positive


peace out

we are all gonna die.

who’s first?

your wave man …go…

maybe sombody will die tomorrow,

sombody will care ,we hope.

nobody going on this one?


all the floating plastic

soaks up the contaminants,

like plastic surfboards

test your popouts daily

with a coin op geiger counter 

availiable at popular surfspots soon…

really though, we are the only ones spending time out in the ocean soaking up the water and taking the occasional gulp. The levels are low I’m sure but if the fish, sea mammals, and seaweed are showing signs of radioactive components who’s to say surfers aren’t. I know we are all gonna die wether its in the car on the way to the beach or by the other shit in the water, but we are the populus that lives half the time in the ocean and we should know if it’s unsafe. On the other hand it probably wouldn’t stop the dedicated from surfing and it might thin out the crowds on a plus side…

What about Nuclear testing in the pacific??!! Or on the main land??

Hell, in the 50’s the British government tested 2 Nuclear Weapons in the South Australia where Aboriginal people were still living!!

‘thousands more Aborigines were exposed to nuclear fallout, which they called “black mist”, and many became sick or died.’

Seriously?  I'm more worried about people, including olympic athletes, peeing in swimming pools.


My opinion: the Godzilla scenario will come to pass, just as written in all the sci-fi stories of the era.  Radiation-mediated genetic damage will yeild the beast that will topple Tokyo.  All we need is Raymond Burr on site.

Considering what, a a few pounds of nasty stuff diluted in roughly six hunded and twenty million million tons of Pacific Ocean water, (620,000,000,000,000 tons - that’s a lot of water. 622,000,000 cubic kilometers, check my math) - I wouldn’t worry about it especially.

Compared to the joys of skin cancer, other nifties from exposure to UV light and sundry solar radiation, the real wonderful stuff you pick up from car exhaust ( what is it with these idiot joggers on the side of the road? Can’t they connect the dots?) , household chemicals, oh, hey, we build surfboards - whaddya think is in those, candy corn?, the crap we eat, the stress we live with…

Oh, and - - something to chew on for a bit. Coal ain’t the only fossil fuel either. Nor the dirtiest.

Welcome to living in a technological society. Instead of working sixteen and eighteen hours a day every day, just to survive, we have the leisure time to d*ck around with surfing and surfboards and all that. We have vehicles to take us there, vehicles to go out and futz around in the ocean with, both the products of a very intricate and involved system of mining, refining, chemical engineering, processing of many kinds and more than I have the energy and electrons to even start to go into.

Option B - the noble savage mode, without technology. Except that you wind up living to maybe 30, and that is nasty and brutish, as the quote accurately goes. Hungry most of the time. And that list of unpleasantries goes on just as long as the one I alluded to above. Oh, and you haven’t got any tools except rocks and an antler if you’re lucky.

Next time you’re surfing in (fill in the 'unspoiled paradise ’ of your choice here) - ask one of the people who lives there to swap places with ya, for the rest of your life. Including how you live at home, with hot and cold running everything, supermarkets, jobs that don’t wear you out before you’re thirty. Trust me, they see what you’re doing and wonder what planet you’re from, it ain’t the one they know.

But, I’m doing my blathering via electrons that go through copper wire, silicon chips, fiber optics, a very complex system of packet-splitting and spitting routers and servers and what have you. And you’re reading it, if you’ve put up with my ramblings so far. So you’re not doing the noble savage thing.

Obviously, neither am I. But there’s a price for all those goodies we have.

Ambrose is right. ‘We are all gonna die’. It’s a question of how we live.

Kindly, I hope…


we ain’t dead yet.

catch one for me,

you’re getting up

earlier than me…


Brother Ambrose

Echoing you

It’s not about yesterday

It’s not about tomorrow

As you know, it’s about now

As you also know- it’s delight in this moment. Never have this one again.

Hope you’re enjoying yours as much as I’m enjoying mine

doc… who was it said ‘be here now’

Ram Das,richard alpert,

wrote the book

‘‘Be here now’’

published 1971

formerly a collegue

of tim leary at harvard


originally sold for $3.33

a couple of psychologist

radicals,Ram Das said

get there with meditation

Tim said step off

and be back in 12hrs.

well said.

sea you in the water




in my dreams


in the afterlife.