Its really slow on Sway,s

It’s really slow on Sway,s right now ,  soooooo here,s a question , if you had a favorite long board , 10.3 , and it was beyond repair , and the only blank you could use was 9.9 , and you did not have anything to make nose or tail blocks , could you duplicate the ride and feel of the 10.3 board in 9.9 , would you take the 6in from the center and use the original nose and tail rocker , or would you lose 3in from the nose and 3in from the tail and use the original nose and tail rocker at those points , or would you do something else , remember the objective is to duplicate as near as poss the original feel and ride , does that extra 6in really matter  ? ( I will avoid the obvious anatomical jokes ) .

Draw out your plan shape so your you missing 6” from the nose … cut it out, use the bones to build up 6”. Problem solved. Draw out the rest of your nose. 

(Most of) Your ride is coming the the part that engages. 


Unless you you are trying to shrink the board down to 9.9 - need more info to make an informed decision. 



Sorry if I miss spoke or did not make myself clear , yes the max length must be 9.9 , the type or style of the board is not important , the question is can it be duplicated or is that 6in vital .

NO!  It will be the same type of board, not the same or duplicate there of.

Figured out how to log on after 2+ years of not using the forum because in lurking I saw the thread title. On that topic: 2+ years away, but I have never not used this forum, slow or fast, when I have questions about boardmaking that I can’t answer myself or locally. This forum is outstanding (and in my own day-job profession there are other forums that are not nearly as outstanding). Normally, forums go the route of all the truly knowledgeable people being run off by crazy dummies. I don’t think that has happened here, and that is a credit to management.

I figured out how to log on again to say that.

That said, and maybe this is completely wrong, what I’d do if shrinking from 10-3 to 9-9 is either 1) proportionately reduce the rocker by 9.7/10.25 in both nose and tail, then use either the same tail template and nose template, blending the rail line in between, or use PC (Shape3d or Aku) to have the software do the work for me, shrinking down, and then use the PC file as my guide to handshape (again shrinking the rocker via the PC software proportionately). I’m not saying that’s right (I have no idea), only that that’s what I’d do.

Maybe, if you go that way, you also try to make the glassing slightly heavier (esp if a noserider), but I probably wouldn’t personally because I would just live with the slight decrease in noseride-friendliness & sloppy condition friendliness because, it turns out, I really hate carrying heavy LBs to and from the water (perhaps every sinful to say, I dunno).

I think you’re on to something with the idea of removing the center 6" and adjusting the rocker proportionally.  With a slight increase in thickness and perhaps a fin with slight additional base, you might end up with a very similar ride.  

I would suggest shifting the additional thickness slightly aft as well.  This will allow you to ride the board farther back thus giving the ‘impression’ of more length in front of you… nothing more than a mind game on that.

9’9" is still quite a bit of board.

Thanks for the comments guys , a friend suggested that it may be best to lose the 6in from the nose , leaving  the rocker measurment the same at nose minus 6in  , considering that the board is a noserider and the tail of the board is where all the action is ,  but I am still undecided .

Sorry I did not say that the type board was primarily used as a nose rider originally because I had not seen the board .