Jack McCoy film festival 2005

on the BIG screen this coming year…

‘Fair Bits’ [the next Taj Burrow video/dvd]

'Some ‘bonus bits’ to ‘Blue Horizon’ [ PLEASE let it be Rastovich footage, not that andy whatsisface]

And, the one I REALLY want to see !!! …

*** ‘SPROUT’ *** …stoked that, although it’s already out on dvd here in west oz, it WILL get a showing here on the big screen !! [Regal Theatre, subiaco, January 13-15th, according to a mate of mine. … ‘Hicksy’, ‘Gray Murdoch’… you keen ??]


…now, next…let’s hope they can put on ‘dolphin glide’, ‘innermost limits of pure fun’, and ‘state of s’…call it the ‘Georgeous film festival’… oh, and maybe 20 minutes or so of the good noosa and elsewhere footage from ‘children of the sun’ [George in 1965-1967]

KOOOOL! well not really fussed bout the new taj movie, and i hope Blue Horizon doesn’t have more andy the pansy footage.

But lookin forward to the sprout!

NYE tonight ben,

Whats goin round in perth?


Well, Josh, I cleverly managed to put a decent hole in the bottom of my left [front ] foot , so all going well , swell and windwise [always sketchy up there unless it’s straight east [rare] or east-nor’east ] , I’ll be taking photos of a mate surfing the dawno tomorrow at a place about an hour’s drive north of here. He don’t mind…

Have a good one, mate !

[ …what do 13yos in the hawkesbury area get up to dec 31st…all night bowlriding sessions ? DO you have a good skatepark nearby, I wonder ? ]


[no, this is NOT me…


Have a good one, mate !

[ …what do 13yos in the hawkesbury area get up to dec 31st…all night bowlriding sessions ? DO you have a good skatepark nearby, I wonder ? ]


Thanks chip have a good one too!

  1. Head to either Wavely to see fireworks, Glebe for the bands, or manly for well i dont know?


PS… Only one skate park thats not very good, only a quarter pipe and rail, thats why you head down to Avalon, BOWL!!!yeeew!


so, friday night I saw this here in Perth West Australia…


  1. show MORE ‘Sprout’ !! [I’m going to buy the d.v.d , based on what I saw…rasta, knost, cunningham and stewart … joel’s ‘Yellow Bonzer’ tubes !!]

  2. ’ Fair Bits’…depending how much you like aerials, you’ll like or hate this !

[Case in point…the footage they shot from a helicopter, at a well known right reef here , was a good angle. But, I gotta say…the ‘airs’ did get a bit too repetitious… for me , anyway.]

The wavepool stuff in the Phillipines [tow-ins !!] was different…

The waves filmed here in the sou’west… if you’ve seen ‘montaj’ and ‘sabotaj’…it’s basically more of the same. [Some AMAZING tubes !]

The tow-ins he does with Slater and Machado at some uncrowded Cali beach [? they exist !!!] on various …er… ‘devices’ [!]…shall we say, is entertaining. THAT stuff got a good audience reaction !

Also enjoyed the piss-take of duran-duran’s 80s shiiiite 'girls on film ’ song !! And, the AliiG type interviews guy at the huntington comp, I think it was ?

Overall, some good bits.

The ‘Blue Horizon’ out takes showed some good surfing…the right at the beginning that Rasta and andypandyboy ride is pretty thick, as is the left [?same location ?..it looks like…to me ]

Some of the mellower music in Jack’s stuff appealed to me…and some of the ‘thrashier’ stuff gave me the shits… I must be getting old, I guess … ["turn that LOUD music DOWN, kids !! " …you know the sort of thing.]

Some of the underwater bodysurfing stuff with ‘Rasta’ [a la earlier Laird footage of Jack’s] was an interesting selection of music and images …sort of outer space /ethereal. It was interesting photographically, too . Jack McCoy is definately a MASTER !!


[this year Jack wasn’t present, unfortunately !]


the next movie ‘event’ on march 10th here is ‘Riding Giants’…I DEFINATELY want to see that ! […as Josh says …YEEEWWWW !!!]

Stoked! but I’m going to see Crystal Voyeger and Billabong Oddysey at the open air thearter at the opera house! should be epic.

Plus my sis got me ‘Thicker than water’ for my B’day today and like many before me im obsessed with that green single fin! great movie, ‘Must See!’


PS… In my most humble opinion ‘September Sessions’ and ‘Thicker than water’ are the two best films since the mid 90s!

Crystal Voyager at the sydney opera house…now that brings back some memories !!

…enjoy !!

the opening scene of the billabong odyssey STILL gives me goosebumps just thinking about it !


****** HAPPY BIRTHDAY Josh !!! ****** [ANOTHER January baby, eh ?]

Thanks ChiP!

Hey Josh, how often do u frequent Avalon bowl. The odds are that i have skated with you. The new and improved Manly is also good fun, as well as Monal Vale.

…is the Manly one Kierle Park, Flowchild ?

I have a photo of that when it was just one 6’ quarterpipe [c.1981, from memory]

Did you ever skate Avalon Wall ? and does Mona Vale primary, and newport carpark, still exist ?


Hey Flow, I only really skate AV. once in a while, but you could have seen me? (Wood board with Silver rails?)

On another note, Luke Stedmans ‘Reach Out’ "future’ things on in Feb, should be some good surfing and skating.



Yes the one at Manly is Keirle Park, and is has changed alot since 81’ i figure. Mona Vale Primary and Newport carpark both do exist, but they are both lacking anything that would be skatable exept for a few stairs and benches, and flat ground.

bummer !

mona vale primary used to have these little banks you could carve…newport carpark had HEAPS of slope and two entry ramps…great for berts !

I don’t think K.F.C. or ‘Crozier’ are there any more , but it used to be behind there…oh well…at least I have memories…and a pic or two…avalon wall, also !

greenwich boatramp, and northbridge fullpipe…now, THERE’S some places where some HOT skating went down…Herb S., you would LOVE the pipe, I’m sure…IF it’s still skateable, that is !!

‘Five Summer Stories’- type footage could have been taken there, I reckon…one guy who skated there looked and skated as well as Tom Inouye did !

If only they could whack some of that old footage in a Jack McCoy film festival…PLENTY of people would never have seen long fullpipe skating , I’m sure !


yeah newports not really good at all… some small slopess round though.

Chip were is that full pipe, I think they r cool!


Hey Josh

Is there a Newport skate park? Are you confused with the one at Mona Vale at all?

hey flow, I thought you guys meant the carpark at the beach, thats what i was talking about. if you wanna see more parks try www.sk8parx.com

Yes sorry, i think Chip was talkin bout the car park.

Hiya Flowchild…I’ll p.m. you to continue this conversation…there’s a place I know, if you’re into vert [and beyond!] that maybe you and Josh might enjoy !!]

 cheers ! 
