Jazz the Glass premier date!

Hurley is hosting our premier in Costa Mesa Dec 12th. I have posted the flyer and the new trailer on the surfapig link below. the new trailer is on the jazz the glass link also. this new trailer has cursing in it. pirates probably used colorful language.










this film is darker than INVASION! it has cursing,sexual innuendoes and some substance use references. if it were to be rated it would be rated pg 13 or R. it is a prequel to INVASION! I am super proud of this project. its a been a long time coming. it couldn’t have happened with out the support of David Potter and my buddy Jon Steele. I laugh my @ss off when I am editing this thing. The surfing is top notch. the content of the script seems a little far out for the average “surf movie” watcher. we did not make this film with the intent to “inspire groms”. we made this film with the intent to blaze our own path and laugh the entire way. i am a surfer and my friends are surfers. we made this for us and for you. fun is fun. art is art. surfing is surfing.
“to lazy tubes and glassy point breaks…to STOKE!!”

Looks pretty funny to me…   And then there’s that goofy pirate stuff… Ha!

No, those guys rip on the long boards…  Seriously - My sister sent me video a couple summers ago of with her step son and other pro long boarders tearing up Santa Cruz…  Went and borrowed a long board off my buddy… good loyd, nose riding is hard…

Funny stuff and classic surfing.  Looks like a winner.



Can’t wait for this one!!  Loved Invasion!!  Mine the stoke!



I love that line.