Jeeze Paul....

Those boards are gorgeous…how much do they weigh? I hope they’re not just eye candy. Have you ridden one yet? How long did it take to make 'em? For sale? Newbs

Well, stupid me…now that I actually read the text, most of my questions are answered. So, how do they ride? How long did it take to build? For sale? Newbs

NICE BOARDS!!! Man, you got it going on!!!

NICE BOARDS!!! Man, you got it going on!!! Pauls True Art… I know better then anyone what a craftsman Paul is he builds all my shaping tools. I give him a idea of what kind of trick tool i want and a few days later there made… He built my adjustable shaping lights. Yes my racks adjust and my lights do to thanks to paul. So if your looking for custom wood tools for your shaping needs pay him there worth every penny… Paul builds boards only a few would ever try to create and only a few could… Nice one… Rob

Those boards are gorgeous…how much do they weigh? I hope they’re not > just eye candy. Have you ridden one yet? How long did it take to make 'em? > For sale?>>> Newbs Agreed. I thought there was just a glitch in Swaylocks and Mike was posting the same board again. I was thinking: nobody would build a hollow board twice! Well it’s done and done well.

Agreed. I thought there was just a glitch in Swaylocks and Mike was > posting the same board again. I was thinking: nobody would build a hollow > board twice! Well it’s done and done well. Excellent works of functional art. Paul, great job man. I am speechless. FD

Agreed. I thought there was just a glitch in Swaylocks and Mike was > posting the same board again. I was thinking: nobody would build a hollow > board twice! Well it’s done and done well. Twice? Don’t forget the first one paul posted last August (a 8’3" hollow board with wood rails) along with details on how it was built. I remember he also gave some info on how it rides. Here’s what Paulwrote back then (I extracted it from the archives) : “I had the maiden voyage this morning… The jetty/beachbreak was waist to chest high, offshore at 20k…No one in the water or on the beach…perfect…Paddles real good, low rocker 3.5"n-1.5"t…With the 23# it has momentum…OK, While waiting for the first wave I’m hoping that when I stand up I don’t crush the deck, this is all new to me…So here comes a nice peak, paddle, early entry, stand, lean, trim, SMOOTHNESS!!!..The wave dies in channel…The board is real firm under foot, good…Then paddling back it hits me, foam boards ‘chatter’, this board is ‘velvet’… I had a 9’6” chambered balsa and this isn’t like it…This has less mass, but that’s not the difference…The balsa was rigid, this is more like being on a drum…The tensioned deck…The rails are rigid, but the deck has a really cool ‘resonance’…Think of a car innertube blown really hard, tuned sort of…Anyway, the ride is velvet, if you see me in the water I’ll let you ride a few so you know… I had doubts about the performance…The finished thickness is 3.5"…and the rails carry a lot of that thickness, so I’m thinking “Gonna be corky, gotta lean on the inside edges, don’t oversurf it”…But Whoa Nelly, this baby likes the steeps, she comes from behind the peak and hangs in the pocket under the lip like she’s not aware that she’s primarily a looker, not a rider…It holds a line and the weight carries it well through the white water…I’m adjusting to the reduced rocker, particularly on frontside bottom turns, but by the end of the 2 hour session it was automatic… For me I had a preconception about how it would ride…I was gonna ride a few, strip the wax, high gloss polish it, and dust as necessary…But now I’ve got a new primary board, and I’m SO VERY STOKED!!!"

how much do they weigh? …That one (#2) is 19#…I made the 10’er (#3) heavy-28#…>>>I hope they’re not just eye candy. Have you ridden one yet? …I ride them all the time…Last go out was a overhead day at a thumping bechbreak…Not fragile…>>>How long did it take to make ‘em? …If I were to work on one like it was a job, I could do one a week…>>> For sale? …Sure… Paul - http://

Paul Jensen for Mayor. Nice work amigo.>>> …That one (#2) is 19#…I made the 10’er (#3) heavy-28#…>>> …I ride them all the time…Last go out was a overhead day at a thumping > bechbreak…Not fragile…>>> …If I were to work on one like it was a job, I could do one a week…>>> …Sure…>>> Paul -

Hey Paul how much do you want for #2? I have to have it for the 25 ft. swell do here on Sunday. :wink: Rich

Hey Paul how much do you want for #2? I have to have it for the 25 ft. > swell do here on Sunday.>>> :wink: Rich …'fer you, buddy, free…All’s ya gotta do is come up here and get it…Looks like snow… :wink:http://

…'fer you, buddy, free…All’s ya gotta do is come up here and get > it…Looks like snow… :wink: … Hey Paul get to work you slacker surfer…

…'fer you, buddy, free…All’s ya gotta do is come up here and get > it…Looks like snow… :wink: … Hey Paul, What’s your address? I’ll be up over the holidays! Should be some great surf then. I’ll have to bring my hood and by some gloves though. Off to Work, Rich

Hey Paul,>>> What’s your address? I’ll be up over the holidays!>>> Should be some great surf then. I’ll have to bring my hood and by some > gloves though.>>> Off to Work, Rich …My address???.. that would make it too easy!!!..Bring a snowboard, the season is starting!!! http://