Jerry Lynn died in Thailand

heard that story yesterday any body heard some more? He showed me the flat rock line up in 69 … that tree was taken away in Iniki…Jerry Lynn took the pictures of the heavy equiptment movig the rocks into place at the black pot at 7am and by 11am he was in Governor Burns office in Honolulu to inform him of the violation of the high water mark boundry . THIS violation led to the condemnation of the land and creation of Black Pot park… rest ye well Jerry Lynn may heaven have your next record lobster …ambrose…thanks for bein’ arround

intersecting gestures that make us up…including yours ambrose for me

in this venue…remember & remember…memory spurs gratitude…

gratitude fuels optimism…

as ricardo from rio said…“obrigado sol…thank you all”

Howzit Ambrose, Is that Jerry Lynn the barber. Strange there hasn't been anything in the Garden Island paper about it. Got anymore details? Aloha, Kokua

jerry lynn had the beauty salons at coco palms and the Hanalei Plantation hotel… In thailand doing development with taxi dave and had a heart attack …aloha 'oe …ambrose …til we meet again