I was asked if I could obtain a magazine centrefold of Jock Sutherland from the 70s. It was described to me as follows: ‘The Surfer magazine shot he’s trying to find is described as "The image is from
winter of 69-70, Jocko coming off the bottom of exceptionally large Pipeline
left on a narrow board with a red botttom. He’s wearing khaki trunks and almost
has his face in the water. The picture I am looking for was a centerfold, and
the issue date is close to March 1970’.
Ideally a copy of the centefold, but even the issue of the mag would be appreciated.
I guess my buddy wasn’t lying when he offered to fly Jocko to the mainland to help me replace my roof. After seeing the video, I realized that I missed an opportunity to spend some time with a quality person.
Great guy. Just met Jock a week ago as he was on the way to do a little roofing job for a neighbor. We chatted a bit, I should probably have shut up and listened more than I did. It’s not every day one meets one of the all-timers from back in the day.
He did hit me up in a minor way to put in a ridge vent on the old hacienda, but I’ve been out of work for some months and its not a good time… Additionally it’s been nice and cool here lately.