joel tudor surfboards

hey everyone. i was just as surfside sports in newport beach and they have a couple of the new joel tudor surfboards - they look like a lot of fun. -i hear huntington surf and sport is now carrying the boards too.

hey everyone. i was just as surfside sports in newport beach and they have > a couple of the new joel tudor surfboards - they look like a lot of fun. > -i hear huntington surf and sport is now carrying the boards too. Somewhat curious about this – since the split from Don Takayama who is shaping these with and what are the designs like? Happen to know the dimensions and shapes available? Share with us what you saw and your impressions. thanks.

I’ve been seeing a lot of Joel Tudor boards here in Hawaii lately. It seems like they’re marketed more towards visiting Japanese tourists. Bill Shrosbree (SP?) shapes the longboards and Stu Kenson does the shortboards. Expensive as heck!

yeah. bill shrosbee or something like that is shaping all of the longboards. and stu kenson is doing all of the shortboards. his glassing (i believe) is done at… aughhhh… i cant remember the name… it’s in encinitas. anywho, the store i went to had about 8 boards. but only 2 different models. the joel board, and the papa joe. the joel board looks almost identical to donald takayama’s Model T. and it came from 9’4 to 9’8. soft,parallel rails all the way around. long, subtle, well blended nose concave… just like the model T. the other model there was the papa joe model (what he makes for his dad). harder rails in the back. slots for side fins. a little more rocker than the model t (but thats still pretty flat), and not too much concave in the nose. they both look a like fun. good glass jobs, and some interesting designs. everything done with resin pigments (like it should be). too bad they didnt have any of the shortboards. and yes… they were pretty expensive… i believe they were $880

I think moonlight glasses joels boards . Also Bill used to work for DT.

I think moonlight glasses joels boards . Also Bill used to work for DT. AFAIK the glassing is split between Moonlight (the shortboards…) and Channin’s factory. I’m not positive about moonlight, but I know that channin does a lot of them.

AFAIK the glassing is split between Moonlight (the shortboards…) and > Channin’s factory. I’m not positive about moonlight, but I know that > channin does a lot of them. well if your ever in san diego stop by mitches surfshop in lajolla he’s got the joel shortboards. He’s also a cool guy he was the first surfboard supplier in san diego since 1967 he also has a shop in the solana beach area. ps the joel shortboards are pretty thick and more of a elipse then the round egg thing. look really fun.

yeah! Moonlight glassing. thats it!

I’ve spent many hours groping and drooling over Joel’s boards. I’ve seen four different longboard models. 1)Papa Joe- 2+1 setup, round-pin (pin?) tail. 2)Diamond Tail- A little more nose area, diamond tail. 3)Step Deck- concave dish under the nose area. 4)Longer- don’t know much about this one. I’ve also seen three of his shortboard models. 1)Good Karma- egg shape with nose and tail pulled in a bit. 2)Diamonds Are Forever- longer egg shape with a diamond tail. 3)Island- gunny shape, Lopez/LightingBolt-style, beaked nose. All of the shortboards were thick 2 7/8" - 3" and had varying amounts of tail V. No concaves. He has a different fin template to go with each of the boards. I’ve never had the chance to ride the boards myself. I do see a guy at my local break that rides the Good Karma egg every now and then. Unfortunatley he tries to surf the board like a thruster. The rocker is so flat, I often wonder how the guy avoids pearling on every wave???

Somewhat curious about this – since the split from Don Takayama who is > shaping these with and what are the designs like? Happen to know the > dimensions and shapes available?>>> Share with us what you saw and your impressions.>>> thanks. Bill Shrosbee is doing the longboards and Stu Kenson is the shortboard guy. They have an occasion shape by Hynson, Eberly and a few others. Any of the boards with multi stringer combo’s, nose or tail blocks, that’s where I come in.

Bill Shrosbee is doing the longboards and Stu Kenson is the shortboard > guy. They have an occasion shape by Hynson, Eberly and a few others. Any > of the boards with multi stringer combo’s, nose or tail blocks, that’s > where I come in. I can understand why they’re going to you. After shaping a board with only center stringer(s) (one stringer or two off set about 2") and then a triple stringer with 3/16" off sets 6" apart - I found that getting those outside stringers to roll into the tail is a pain in the a55! Man, if I don’t keep thinking I’m see them poke out of the nose too. Jim, I hear great, great things about the work you’re doing here on the left coast. Keep it up I appreciate it!

I found the site: Pics of shapes are there.

i think joel is now offering a david nuuhiwa model – just like donald t. used to shape for david when at bing. apparently it is joel’s fav longboard. (also what the model t is shaped after) he sells a boatload in japan. as far as cost – 880 sounds like a lot of money…BUT i recently had jon wegener shape me a 9’10" noserider with this great glass job and glassed on fin and the works (the board is beautiful)…i say this because it was cheap, i mean inexpensive. i e-mailed jon later asking how he makes any money off these things. the glass job alone was nearly half the price. then the walker blank isn’t cheap. i guess what i am saying is that although i like to pay as little as possible for my boards i really don’t know how shapers make any money. with such a small margin you would think they would need huge volume…but the time to shape etc prohibits this. thanks shapers.

joel probably does have a david nuuhiwa model… he know’s enough about them. his model T is a replica of what donald was shaping for david in '66/'67 just with newer bottom shape and a few other little things>>> i think joel is now offering a david nuuhiwa model – just like donald t. > used to shape for david when at bing. apparently it is joel’s fav > longboard. (also what the model t is shaped after)

joel probably does have a david nuuhiwa model… he know’s enough about > them. his model T is a replica of what donald was shaping for david in > '66/'67 just with newer bottom shape and a few other little things I’d really like to hear from someone who has actually RIDEN one of these shapes, long or short…Heard some second hand news about the good karma egg, loose and positive…I’d buy one if I knew that they rode good, just that they look rather sketchy…

I’d really like to hear from someone who has actually RIDEN one of these > shapes, long or short…Heard some second hand news about the good karma > egg, loose and positive…I’d buy one if I knew that they rode good, just > that they look rather sketchy… All the boards are glassed at Channin’s and Tom Eberly’s (shortboards).Joel Tudor Surfboards was started in December 1999, with very limited production. These surfboards are built with the great care and the best craftsmanship availible.They are not just copies of old single fins,and each and every board we make has been thoroughly tested and riden by Joel before they are released to the public. The templates are unique,not copies of someone else’s boards. As to the Questions regarding the Nuuhiwa models,there are two models being released this season. The 1st is the noserider, and the other is the Eagle 4 fish. They are both incredible examples of David’s influence and contributions to surfing as we know it today. I rode the noserider today at cardiff reef and it was great. i hope this answers some Questions for you,Best Regards Stu Kenson

joel probably does have a david nuuhiwa model… he know’s enough about > them. his model T is a replica of what donald was shaping for david in > '66/'67 just with newer bottom shape and a few other little things The Model “T” is quite different than the Nuuhiwa model, it doesn’t have the pronounced tail rocker of the Nuuhiwa and the nose is thinner. The Nuuhiwa has a much longer and deeper concave also. The nose comes to a slight point on the “T”.

What size blanks are used for the “Karma” eggs? I saw a 6’2" that looked pretty thick. Are you guys using Clark foam?

Mike Eaton also shapes a longboard that has evolved from his Bing days shaping the Nuuihiwa Model which Mike calls the SDKT (step deck kick tail)model. Mike makes it in a single, tri, bonzer and twinzer fin configurations. Its a great shape. Rory PS I am impressed with the shapers and glass jobs on Tudor’s boards (my good friend and shaper, Tom Stanton, thinks that Bill is one of the best!)

What size blanks are used for the “Karma” eggs? I saw a > 6’2" that looked pretty thick. Are you guys using Clark foam? - We use Clark Foam for our boards generally Supergreen weight