I was able to pick-up a Joey Thomas board today, unfortunately I have very little information on this shaper. I have read this website, but there are no options to e-mail Joey. The board is a 6'6" twinzer with glassed-in fins. There are no markings on the board at all. Does anyone have info that they can share? What is the board worth? Thanks,
Joey Thomas is a highly respected, long time shaper from Santa Cruz. However, that board is worth very little, if anything. Nothing too unique, and too much damage.
Based on the logo and the thick, wood lam fins, I’d guess that board was made around '75-'77. I don’t think he shaped boards under his own label much before '75. I had a West Cliff that he shaped around '73 or '74 and several JTs during the mid-to-late '70s that had the same logo that’s on your board. All great boards. Joey pretty much ruled the Lane back in those days.
Nice guy, great shaper and exceptional surfer.
Photo of Joey with a similar board from Feb./March-1975 Surfing Magazine.
Coming from an east coast guy, I have been completely obsessed with west coast surfing for years, but this year is the worst thus far. We had a less than fulfilling summer here and I have had my eye on Santa Cruz since Labor Day weekend. It’s been firing almost everyday, it must be awesome to be a west coaster.
Joey shaped some really nice boards for me back in the early 80’s.
He absolutely ripped Steamer Lane back in the dayz, and his wife at the time, Lynn, was one of the hottest gal surfers in town.
And he was not a man to trifle with. Tough as nails to begin with, he went on to become an accomplished martial arts instructor.
As he got older, he went from ripping on short twin fins to ripping on 8’0 full shape twins and twinzers, maintaining his apex role in the Lane line-up, which is as competitive as you will find anywhere.
Fair to say Santa Cruz has put out at least as many fine shapers/surfers as any other small town on the planet has regardless of location…