They say made in the image and likeness of the Creator . . . made . . . but not existing . . .
But we’re shadows, offshoots of the original. Marvel would say the offspring with few powers as opposed to the parents with wonderful things like cosmic energy manipulation or force field generation etc . . .
But granted, we can create. And maybe thats the gift of the shadows, and the second came later to transcend our shadows and be given bodies, not of physical ones.
Notice something always new, its always changing. Ah, maybe there’s more to life than just this, what we know now.
We hold many things to be sacred, but many truths to be told. What if the truth was so big, so beyond human understanding it was hard to realize it was the truth? And piled on top of it was lies, like a uber-thick onion and you have to peel the layers away. Some layers require the right tool and technique combinations, and maybe only one instance of time to bypass it, after that, the layer is impenetrable. . . so its hidden.
And what if that one beyond and bigger than you truth also encompassed several smaller truths that validated the big one, all just as complicated as the original.
Like Voltron or transformers or some other anime robots that transform, then combo into the ultra biggatron robot that can kick ass on so many levels.
Sometimes people get it in early like, three kids at a joint called Fatima or like my grandpa just in the nick of time before the wick of life smokes out.
I was bathed in it from day one. But I feel as if I’m slick, I’m rubber, you’re glue any truth that hits me bounces off and sticks to you. And I wander upon this earth like Kane, head lost.
But slowly truth drips in like the IV of someone who nearly lost all. But actually its half.
Remember one drop I got?? This one made me realize this is not a dream.
OMG I can’t believe it!! Tyler Durden from ASF stole my gf!! Am I going to wake up from this??? Dude did you realize it? You were on the baddest set of the day. The guys on beach were straining . . . Honey did you remember to get the kids cold medicine from the market. Sir we’ve lost the 16th and the 14th is falling apart and can’t hold it. They’re going to be in range in a minute. Why do I believe? It is because I have done everything, from ousting kings, to embarrasing the Roman emperor, to most of the Scriptii females, seen the low point of men on the march and highest honor. But not one human experienced touched me. But this, only a True God could do this. And not the 20 ok’d by the Senate. . .
This drop, the physical realm, what you did two hours ago and before, during and after reading swaylocks is life is only half the story.
The second begins . . . I think (I’m not 100% sure. Man the IV is so slow sometimes. HURRY UP! Oh wait don’t hurry up, because once you get your allocated drips its on the second half of the game)
The second begins but you don’t realize it. But you loved ones left behind do.
Anyways since were just shadows of the Original . . . then like the Original we have existence beyond our understanding . . . sometimes though since we are limited, we might be putting something which actually is a lower run or lower level, on a higher one.
You know like making something simple too complicated . . .
Anycase just some ramblings . . .