I mean i’ve made all of 10 boards and must have enough cloth scraps to make 5-10 more fin panels…I’ve already made two fins and really don’t want more fins and don’t want to waste in the resin…seems a shame not to put all that cloth to use.
Can it be recycled?
Thanks, mike
i just toss it in a bucket and keep it handy for fins, repairs, small logos…whatever it’ll fit.
small pieces…chop 'em up real fine and mix it in resin when filling dings.
the rest…whatever other odd use you can find.
you could wipe your (fish) BUTTCRACK with it…
yeah those are what i’m using the scraps for too. that’l cover 5% of the excess cloth…is there any market for fin blanks? seems like maybe not if the cloth scraps are a by-product of all kinds of glass shops. I hate waste i guess. When i glass a board it bugs the shit out of me if there’s more than an ounce or two of resin left in the bucket.
I prefer to think of it as a g-string for the butt crack. mike
Being Scottish I feel your pain,
I have talked to guys that put their glass scraps in the blender and make chopped glass for filler and to add strength to fin cups. You might want to get a blender at a garage sale solly for this purpose, the wife would kill me if she caught me doing that with her vita-mixer.
They are good for cleaning your resin soaked tools. And wiping your gloves. They soak up epoxy really good.
You could knit a sweater.
Don’t like making fins eh ?
pm me and I’ll send you my address to send all your cloth to . [I won’t waste ANY of it , I promise !]
failing that ,
for around the house …
toilet paper
And , you know those really snooty "suit and tie formal dos’’ that us barefooted surfer bums never really seem to fit into ?
…well … you could maybe make one of those ever-so-trendy folded triangle bits of cloth that the yuppies like to have showing out of their suit top pocket . Only , do a resin swirl on it.
just my aussie .05
Scraps go into a large plastic bag.
Anything larger than 20" x 20" gets measured and put into it’s own zip lock bag with the deminsions writen on the outside of the bag.
Surfboard repairs pay for new surfboard projects, left overs from new surf board projects give me materials for repairs.
For example…Hard core long boarder gets in car crash. surfboard gets damaged in crash. Ray fixes board for $125 (US).
All materials used for repair are scraps left over from making my own boards. $125 is used to buy more materials for my next project. Wife is happy because hobby pays for its self…Everybody wins !!!
Blender to make repair material ??? Interesting idea… Think I heard that at Big Sur 2005 !!!
Have fun