Hello, im new to this posting board my question will probably generate some smiles but here i go …is it better to have more density and add more cloth or vice versa?..i feel like the more density is the way to go , but im not really sure maybe it doesnt matter either way, im just looking for some thoughts if there are some out there? Thank you and i hope you all have Great days…Mike
welcome MIke, glad you made it to this site
personally i like using denser foam but im sure youll get a bunch of different answers
it really just all depends on what you are trying to get
Thank you for the reply, i think what im trying to get to is a board that is tough, light and that will stay together for a little bit…Thank again Mike
Thank you for the reply, i think what im trying to get to is a board that is tough, light and that will stay together for a little bit.......Thank again Mike
Yes - it all comes down to how tough, how light, and under what conditions? A daily driver surfed frequently in heavy waves and heavy crowds at a rocky beach is gonna have a limited lifespan.
I have a buddy who's been riding the same OBQ board for 20 years. Homemade, dense foam, glassed heavy (I think the board is about 12 lbs IIRC), he surfs a couple times a month, usually small waves, the board still looks great. He does occasionally surf bigger stuff, but at a reef way way offshore, so not much crowds / rocks to deal with.
good foam means less cloth neeed, I prefer a medium density foam and minimal glass for a pretty light board that holds up quite well…
Thanks to everyone for their comments, its more then i know…thanks again.Mike
Has anyone done an experiments like this? Similar boards, one with Less glass and denser foam...another with less dense foam and more glass. what were the weight differences? which one held up etter in your opinion? I've always heard the paper over a sponge vs. the paper over a brick analogy to show how important core density is, but have never done a comparison with the same shape but different glass jobs and foam density to see the differences in weight and strength.
Hey Huck, as you well know boards can still be damaged at Overheads. Snapped one there in a two wave holdown.
Hey, quit reading my mind! And you have my respect because yeah, a two wave hold-down is a big deal at overhead, not sure I'd be up to it anymore. I've had friends lose their board to a snapped leash, and never see it again. When its big, its kinda intense out there, but it looks so small from the bridge LOL!
Hah! Huck that was thirty years ago when I could handle it. Don't know if I would have done as well if I hadn't had similar experience at Sunset. Didn't have a two waver there but on a west you really get shoved around and cover some ground. Conversely, a couple of years ago I had a wave at Mary's slap me off the bottom twice and that was just getting out north of the boulders at the little sand beach. I couldn't believe it as it was happening. I'm thinking...this is bullsh@#!!! I'm at home and this?? Never hit bottom twice anywhere else around here.
ps. The lost boards at Overhead probably ended up somewhere near McGrath.