K fin glass on?

Does anyone know of any company who makes the FCS K fin 2.1 as glass on. I like the fins but dont like FCS, and would like to glass them on a board. I really dont want to mod the set I have to fit my Futures boxes eitherm just in case I screw up some how. Does rainbow fins do this or any companies in hawaii?

one of my friends took an fcs fin once, routed two slots in the board, and glassed the FCS in straight in like a glass on. dont know if it works all that well but you’d think so. I think he glassed on a redline.

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buy the k fins and cut the tabs off and glass them in and no nobody makes the fin to glass on because the kfin is exclusive to fcs. hope that helps

Hi Greeneboards,

                     I do K2.1 glass-on's core loaded in tinted colour, carbon, timber,soild glass. 

        Exact copies moulded contact me on <a href="mailto:finfektionfins@msn.com" class="bb-url">finfektionfins@msn.com</a> 

                           Regards Rod.