KatieRowland wants a Pig

Katie is a new member, looking for a Pig template. Can someone help her? She believes that Swaylock’s is a friendly place.


The description is cringey.

If she’s building the board for herself she may need to tweak the template to make it narrower anyway. If she wants help with her template maybe some who’s local to her can help her get there.

P.S. they should use Boardcad to print their pdfs with. That way they get the 1" grid. Different printers have slightly different printing margins and scales and need a little adjustment to get an inch that means an inch. Without making any adjustments and depending on your printer you might getting something other than 9’0" out of their pdf.

I’ve got pig templates, the physical kind. If she’s near Ventura county I can help. Long shot on that.

Does she want someone to hand her an actual template or is she just wanting a visual? If the latter, she should google velzy pig, at least that is what I would do. Actually my friend’s father in law has an of velzy balsa pig he got new in 56 or 57. Thing is bitchin!


What a great community we have here…to get guys like Gene offering their help, we are so lucky. Is Katie sure she wants a pig? If she has ridden modern longboard shapes with the wide point forward of center then she might struggle. With a more modern shape you can come out of your turn then step forward into the trim zone…it’s instinctive. Try that on a pig and everything gets weird. I got sucked into the whole pig thing myself but after trying a couple of different pigs I decided they were not for me. I guess a lot comes down to where you surf and how you surf. It’s nice to try something different but I believe young Frye and Hynson moved the wide point forward back in the day for good reason. Pig by name…pig by nature.

I do have a template that came off an early Doyle/Hansen Prototype. It’s definitely a pig… It’s a spin-template. I passed it on to another member here once who did the sweetest reproduction of the original imaginable. I could trace it and mail it I suppose. If I could get the template for that hottie in Gene’s avatar I’d head down to Ventura tonight. Lowel