Kauai in december

Hello all!

I am interested in finding out about the surf on Kauai. I’ll be there for a few weeks in december/january and would like to know what I’m getting myself into. I have read that windward and south shores are usually small and/or blown out during the winter. I will most likely be getting a board once I am there and will be open to go anywhere there are fun waves. I live in San Diego usually surf smaller waves (under head) , but occasionally get into some juice.

Any information or response is appreciated!


Bring a gun. 7’6 minimum. Forget the windward and southshores. Expect to be scratching for the channel. Don’t get in Titus’s way.

If your lucky the Bay will be head high. If your unlucky the Bay will be really working, and you may be setting next to me on the shore watching. I too just may be there about then. Once you get to the North shore you will be able to buy a board.

What the other’s said…

Gotta remember, the NorthShore of Kaui catches almost the same swells as any NorthShore Hawaii!

Get a 7’6"er for sure. You can choose between all the spots with that, and actually get a few waves per day.

All the spots are WAAAY offshore, needing possibly a 1/2 hour cruise paddle to get to the lineup. Ok, I"m a slow paddler, maybe 20 minutes non stop cruise paddling.

Head high there, from Hanalei to Tunnels, with the exception of WhysoSlows, is faster than Blacks, but triple the paddle time.

E shore can be OK sometimes, but strong rips and currents need bigger board.

If you surf S shore, I can happen, but compressed crowds will have you happy you got such a long board.

For sure, anything from Majors to Polihale can use a 7’6" any day.

Howzit takeoff, If you are on kauai around the first weekend of the month you are here there is a surfboard swap meet at Hanalei Surf co and there’s always boards for sale for a good price. As for the waves you can expect any thing, could be head high or 20’, so be ready.Aloha,Kokua

7’6’’ is good for watching the crowd

burn you for waves in head high surf,

unless its a floater?

surf in sandiego?

beach breaks? or swami’s or terra mar or south bird?

whaddya like -want in the way o’surf ?

it all happens an it’s diffrent every day…

the east side gets good when you least expect it.

definatly attend the swap meet or the saturday garage sales…

check the garden Island news paper the classifieds had a couple boards in there today…


what’s it? kauaiworld.com is their website.?

I love Dr. Ding’s shop in Hanapepe - got a like new gun for $125.00. I also hear the west side can have waves. Good luck - Taylor. Ps. stop by ambrose’s kapuna in kapa’a.

Thanks for the timely responses. So the consensus is big waves and I’m gonna get my ass handed to me. . .cool.

A gun it is.

As far as surfing San Diego, I surf Black’s almost exclusively but get around from Swamis to Hospitals.

Thanks again!

Also, do you guys know any cheap hotels/ hostels on the north shore?

Howzit takeoff, You might be able to rent Dick Brewers studio for $65 a night. I don't have the number right off hand but if you PM LokBox he should have it since he stayed there a while back. LokBox said it was a really nice place for the money. Other than there it will cost you at least $100 a night for a vacation rental or the Hanalei Inn but I don't have their prices. If you are coming at Xmas time you better get with it since the tourists are all over the place at that time of year and accommodations might be tight to find.Try Brewers website ,they might advertize the studio there.Aloha,Kokua

Cool, thanks. I’ll definately look into that. I am really getting amped about this trip!

traditionally everything is booked up tite after the 17tho’december and clears out afteer the 8th or tenth of january.

the long time returning snow birds slowwllyy trickle in after that for their anual thaw…


got a number of 8’ers and a t&c with a shamrock on it…?

Howzit?!? Please bring a positive attitude, and don’t forget to bring good manners. Aloha…RH