Keith Gardner 1951 - 2007

Keith Gardner News of his passing is so shocking in part because he was so gifted a surfer. Just last week I was interviewed by Pete Dooley and when asked who were some of my surfing influences I mentioned KG. He was my first real surf buddy. We surfed together every day after school at 16th St. in CB. Most days no one else was out … no one even on the beach, just us. Seems especially odd because I would have drowned on one particular day if he hadn’t pulled me out. So many days, years worth, all of high school … just us. A couple years ago I went surfing at 16th St. just for old times sake and KG was out. Just like old times. Our last chance to relive very special times. He passed at that very place, the place that was so special to both of us, the very beach at which we had surfed thousands of waves together. Great guy, great surfer, great husband and father. Great friend.


I know what a loss it is to have a good friend pass. This past Friday a close friend of mine passed away. He was a younger man than me. Makes one take stock. Sorry for your loss.

Our whole community is kinda in shock about this, and waiting to find out the cause of this tragedy.

The surf was really good yesterday and I hope all can find solace in the fact that KG went out actually

doing this thing we do. My heart goes out to his family.


sorry to hear about your loss,

it sounds like he was a realy special guy.

may he find the perfect wave up there in the sky.


The local paper’s article on Monday morning.

Mike, GL, pompano,

I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I hope his friends and family heal well.

Take care


So sorry to all .When we lose these guys we lose a piece of of our history. I have total empathy for you all

Thats sad, I’m shocked, he was still relatively young, its a little solace that he was doing whay he loved, I hope that I’m able to continue right up to the end. My thoughts are with you, his good friend and his family.

“He’d become what we call a soul surfer,”


Aloha! I was a part of the “dang craze” crew at the start of the 70’s. That was some of the best times of my life. K.G. and his brothers, Greg, Busbey, Pete, everyone. K.G. was one of the hottest surfers around, and a really true friend. I haven’t been over there in a really long time, but I asked G.L. about Keith not too long ago. Super fun days back then, the water balloon war was epic! Bless you brother. Aloha…RH

Yes you crazzzzz. The water balloon war was epic as were many other days in and out of the water. We will always have those days.

Hay Greg

I am Ken Hurlburt 74 C.B. grad My brother Keith was 69 grad

I remember Keith alot from 16th days I use to surf with him till I moved to Hawaii back in 77 and its odd I was just back in CB sept 1st till the 6th I stayed at the South beach Inn on 16th st. I even went out for a surf for old times sake not much waves but lots of memories. I grew up on Aucila off of My parents owned the Dune top apt. on 14th street and I use to live with Pete Hugson on 15th street before I moved to hawaii.

I Stiil stay intouch with Slater when he is in Hawaii and Bill Mcmillen and the Drasic brothers.

Keith was a laid back guy with a smooth stlye was a fish rider back in the days.

I smoke a few with him to !!!

sorry to hear of him passing on

I always like him you are right he was a good guy.

Aloha Kenny Hurlburt

My next wave will be in memory of Keith Gardner.