kids boards

I was out the other day helping a friend teach his 11 year old daughter to surf. we were using a 9’ soft board. it fit the bill, but I was amazed at how heavy the thing was. I can easily make a lighter foam board. Simple outline, low rocker& soft rails. What I’m wondering is how to contour the bottom to keep it really stable. flat bottom, vs rolled hull type. The question; what would make a very stable beginner board for the 65 to 85 lb. set??

I’m actually in the process of shaping a 7’2" “big guy tri” for my 13 year old son. He’s a little stocky in stature. Didn’t do too well learning on a 6’9", mostly due to his lack of swimming experience and paddle power. I’m making this board 22" wide and 2 7/8" thick, with a squash tail. If your kid can swim / paddle well, then maybe a 7’2" - 7’6" would be good for her too.

I’d go no longer than 8 feet…mini-longboard outline, wide enough they can carry the thing (measure from the arm pit to knuckle and subtract 1/2 inch). Fairly flat rocker with a little kick in the nose and tail. Flat bottom, soft rails and about a two-inch wide, shallow bevel along the bottom of the rail (go real subtle but flat, no curve) to give a little forgiveness. If you do it without any curve it’ll still release real nice. I like the single fin with a box but a tri will still work. Flat bottom means no rolly polly…Keep as much thickness in it as you can (Clark 8’3"E is a great blank for this).

The lil’ wahine is only 11. Go with something between 7’2" and 7’10".

Lee, you are thinking the same way I am. the 8-3E is what I am using. the bottom contour sounds right, that is close to the dimentions, but for the fly weight (75lbs) I’m going to thin it out a bit. to mabey 3"& narrow the rails so she can grip them. I like the flat rocker with a little kick in the nose & tail, Thanks for the input

I still care, … maybe … $5.99 @ Boarders … have fun [blush]-

I’ll be up to Santa Barbara this week, looking around & wondering who you might be? Say hello to the kids down the street & Mike the meat man if you see him.

My dad just went out the back door with Mike the meat man, they’re both laughing their, well you know,(Meats) off. And Oh By The Way, bring your dictionary. The kids up the street really can’t wait to see you in person. I told them to calm down, but, they’ve got a blackboard and plenty of chalk with your name all over it, all over it, all over it, all over it, get the picture. And, Oh By The Way, we’ll all autograph a copy of a Boarders $5.99 dictionary to you, … “MAYBE” … Oh By The Way, do you spell Ray, as in Ray, or, Ray, I better look this up. This is a hard one. Run LeeV Run, invasion of the body snatchers … have fun