Knee Infection

I'm dealing with a nasty staph infection right now.  I probably got it from surfing Rincon a couple weeks ago.  No cut prior, just a spider-bite-looking bump appeared.  Second round of anti-biotics right now.  Still screwed.  Lots of waves around here and I can't do anything about it.  Mental state deteriorating.  Rage building.

  Starting to type in short, choppy sentences.     

I’ve got you all beat. My knee was so jacked up that they cut it open, cut off the ends of the bones, capped them with titanium and finished me off with a plastic spacer. Trump that!

Just kidding! Well, I’m not kidding about the surgery. I am kidding about trying to one up you guys who are hurting. I hope your wounds heal up soon, Proneman and Brown Recluse. I had a staph infection issue years ago. I realize now that my husband had it first. He was nice enough to pass it on to me. It took a few tries and several doctors before they finally knocked it out of my system too. What scares me is that the doctor who finally made it right said (gulp) the infection could come back. So far, I’ve been fine for six years. I’m thinking good, healthy thoughts for you guys too.

Sheeeeeeeeeeccch! C'mon you locals from Hawaii!! Auwe! With all the poop that comes from "mauka side" and flows "makai side". Bowls, gets everything from Kaimuki to Manoa, McCully & the University area. OUTFLOW, Ala Moana Bowls, Rock Piles, Kaiser's.

"The Wall", outflows from Kapahulu, Waikiki, Diamond Head area. Just saying, is all.

Here in Hanalei, staph has been going off recently. A friend the other day went down with 102 degree tempeture, had to get meds due to staph. Getting in rain run-off here in Hawaii after heavy rains can also contribute to this.

Be akamai...shower off , check your body for little scrapes, mosquito bites, a reddening of your skin in one place and becoming irritated the next day and an open sore.


      Howzit Peter, I heard that Marla Steffens got the flesh eating staph from the river then it went to her bone and she may not make it. Amazing how the Hanalei river that was once so clean and pristine has turned into a cess pool. Aloha,Wildog

a bleach solution 10%.

i surf in the worst/most polluted waters that can be surfed.

this is what worked for me…(mine was on my face,and in my sinus)…it was the only thing that worked .

then I followed up with daily appts of tinactin for a year.

if it hits the blood and goes systemic…then you have to chase it w/ AB therapy.

this is coming from a nurse that gets these infections regularly from the sealbeach/san gabriel rivermouth.

also…ringworm is common in these infected areas that are open to the air(river syndrome),thus the tinactin or lamasil.

these are not recommendations or advise,

seek advise from your medical professional first.

i’m just telling you what worked for me beyond what reasonably prudent medical persons prescribed.



hey wildy,

sealriver i sure you know, is about 100 times worst that what you remembered it being.

there’s some weird stuff coming out of that place…like out of a science fiction novel or something.



I used to surf Seal Beach on occaision before work when I was living there but after a couple of really polluted days I just couldn't get myself to do it, who knows what's coming out of that river...

After growing up in Southern California and quite a few years in Northern California, then moving to Australia, it amazes me how polluted they are letting it get over there. My doctor here says that surfing related infections are very rare. I can see that, the water here is pristine...


Good thread!

      Howzit Brother Herb, Do you mean RayBay? That was the one of the places to surf before I got a wet suit due to the nice warm water and the only thing to worry about was the rays. In those days the pier side of the jetty was called Crabs and the end was about 200 feet from the beach. The last time I surfed there was 88 and the end of the jetty was almost even withthe beach and it blew me away but I did get some good waves. With that warm water I can just magine what kind of a cesspool it is now,who knows what is coming down that river.You never ansered my question about my ear mix and if you are using it to help since you said your ears were getting better. They are finally going to remove my g-tube on Tuesday and after the hole heals I will be able to get back on my board,9 months has flown by so fast and I am so ready to get rid of the tube but it is great for having a beer,ha,ha.Aloha,Kokua

I’m with Herb on Bleach as a first line of defense, I’ve had staph,impetigo and ringworm all at the same time, now i keep a small bottle of bleach in the shower and always take one on surfari. The first time I washed with bleach, I was expecting my skin to burst into flames and fall to the ground howling, but it is warming to the touch, but kills fungus, virus and strep and staph on contact. Once staph is established (in the blood stream), then you will need some course of antibiotic to knock it down. The doc’s advise dope shooters to wash needles in bleach, it kills HIV. A few drops in suspicious water will kill parasites also

New Jersey gets a lot of smack for being dirty… but our water here is actually cleaner than most since they closed the “mud dump” site and upgraded the sewer and storm water systems. Now the state monitors the beaches and rivers and issues warnings/closings when needed, which is pretty rare, all things considered. We’ve got a long way to go, but we’re getting there.

good tip kokua. i remember a long time ago a friend using a common garden flower in aus for early staph infections. it was called blue azuratum. although i cant find aything on google. i use antiseptic powders regularly for what we call sea ulcers and school sores. the powder drys them out and they seem to heal better for me . i heard honey is also good

Thanks guys…If you need me, I’ll be washing in hydrogen peroxide, bleach, and 600 grit sand paper.  9 boards will be on craiglist by tonight and I’m moving to utah…I’m so schetched out now.

Bleach, also works to keep the smell out of your booties. I mix a little up (about 1 part bleach to 9 parts water) and keep it in the shower for when I take off my booties, squirt a little in each bootie and fill the rest of the way with water. Alow to set a few min. then pour the mixture out and hang the booties to dry. Like Jim says it kill a lot of crap, they even use it to decon the class B outfits from spill of unknow crap.

Okay, I have the exact same deal going on on both knees. Can any a you armchairs tell me what the wax rubbing has to do with it. I honestly don’t think it’s a water issue so much. If I stop surfing the bumps go away within say 2 days. As soon as my knee rubs the deck I get the damn things back within 2 to 3 hours… I lanced mine :confused: It is a hair follicle issue no?

the deal I had was under the skin…bursa…and never came to a head that could be lanced…drained with a needle yes by a doc…but no pimple on surface of skin…

go to BIG 5 or sports chalet and get some basketball/volleyball pads or more expensive but better wrestlers knee pads…they protect the knee very well and are not too cumbersome in the water…but em tight…try em on in store…tighter better as when we they will loosen…they will keep small craters from becoming big…

once the knee is healed…store em for next time!!! 


man, you guys are scaring me.

Ke one 'ula.Marion Kelly.I met this lady in  the Nu’uhiva islands,Te Henua 'Enana,Marquesas Islands.A classy lady.Aloha.

I suggest you practice pop ups,pay attention to getting your feet up under your chest and not dragging your knees!!!When I got a cold,back in 1983,I did something that my Grand ma taught me back in Tahiti,inhale some sea water ,and rinse your sinuses.Well,in Hawaii,Maui to be exact,I got a fricking sinus infection,had to go on antibiotics,so much for that!now,if I surf Kahului or Lahaina harbors,I take a couple shots of whisky or any strong liquor when I get back home, then have a couple drinks,worked so far!!! And BTW,it’s called"Laukahi"


raybay…warm waters…kinda the southshore,hi. of california.

but…really dirty,dirty,dirty.


If someone is sick and modern medicine and antibiotics are not working they should try this.


Also Oil of Oregano is deadly to bacteria, viruses and all sorts of assorted nasties.

Brewers yeast and Garlic tabs also work magic when your sick.