Knee Infection



once the knee is em for next time!!! 




WASH, the kneepads as well in the solution. Set them out to dry, store them properly.

Different senario, friend got staph from his work kneepads. He cleans pools, works on his knees. Works in shorts.Never bothered washing them out / cleaning them. Wilcox Hospital later on for 4 days. Could have dropped a quarter in the crater that had got to his knee. Just saying.......


    Aloha Herb, Yep South Shore of Oahu was badeven in the early 70's, all it took was a scratch and infected the next day. Lahina area on Maui was the same and it seems to be spreading throughout the islands. Aloha.K

hey guys: this could turn into bad sh–!   i dinged my knee down in panama back in -05, came home and surfed near a storm drain…two days later , my knee looked like a soccer ball.    Doc(who is a surfer) took sample for culture and started me on three different antibiotics—called me 24 hours later to stop taking two of them and double up on the other and be in his office by 1;00…well, three weeks later the MERSA was dead, i had lost 12 pounds and the knee joint was badly screwed up(like arthritis) . it took 4 months to get back to surfing the way i wanted to.  now i have an 80 year old knee and a 50 year old knee in a 63 years body!  MERSA is bad, go get several options from the docs!

   Howzit Peter, Mike Edwards just got home from the hospital and he has Flesh eating staph. He got it after scratching the top of his foot down at Pine Trees and he used bleach and triple antibioic salve. Doctors told him one more day and they may have had to cut off his foot, Diana Irons made drove him to the hospital after seeing what his foot looked like. This is a scary situation and I just talked to Sausen and he says Walba has it ut won't go to the doctor so after I talked to Sau he is going to make Walbiego to doctor ASAP. Mike never even got past the parking lot so it's in the dirt and probably the sand on the beach. How does a one time pristine Hnalei and the beaches gt to this point. we know the toxic levels have been higher in front of the restrooms but Flesh eating staph is another kind of animal. Think I'll stay away from the ocean a while since I sratched my leg pretty good toay here at the house. Surfers and swimmers beware.Aloa from staph island, Kokua