Well, my ex-business partner, still brother in-law and longtime surfing buddy surprised me the other day by breaking out the last of the balsa sandwich longboard blanks that we had built years ago. Full-length 3/8" balsa decks, balsa rails, modified comp-sand construction… these boards were great but such a pain to build. When I stopped shaping professionally and his company (Mana Moana) closed down, I hadn’t realized that we still had a such a blank in his garage.
So, I’d like to finish this thing up for him as he heads towards 50. His family is Hawaiian-Prussian (his great-grandfather directed the Royal Hawaiian Orchestra - Berger if I recall his name) and while he’s been in France for more than 20 years, his heart is definitely still in the islands.
If anyone could help me out with enough Koa for a nice tailblock for this board, that would be great. I’d be happy to buy it or trade or whatever - just one of those details to help bring the board together just right. Heck, in return I’ll be happy to post a semi-build thread. Semi since the vacuum bagging and all was done long, long ago.
Feel free to send a pm, or post if you’d be willing to help out with this.
Many thanks,