Has anyone been able to check in on Kokua? Been thinking of him and his well being there in the hospital…
With the weekend coming up, I would hope that any Sways brothers on Oahu within range could maybe check in on him and give him all our best and let us know how he’s doing.
I’m sure there’s lots here that want to know…haven’t seen any posts in a while.
Dito for many of us keen to get some news and like you I think of him often, as do all Sways who have enjoyed his wisdom. I think we should just be patient as there is no doubt that the Island sways crew are covering things and will give us an update when appropriate. all we can do is stoke the endless karma that is out there for Kokua.
Been too busy to drop by, but I called the hospital and talked to the nurse. Kokua’s in good spirits. He’s getting better, but is still unable to eat until they remove the trach tube.
I work nearby, so I’m going to drop by sometime this week. The nurse said he can talk, so you guys can call the hospital 808-538-9011 and ask for Michael Williams.
Howzit sharkcountry, Have been trying to reply or even post but since the changes I haven't been able to do any thing but look. I am now back on Kauai til Feb 17 when I have to go back to Oahu for radiation treatments till aroune April 10. Finally found that I had to down load the fire fox thing. what a hassle this has been but now I can post and reply to all of my Sway friends ,It's great to be back guys and for those who came to see me in the hospital I have some strange tales to tell.Aloha Kokua
Kokua !! good your back. I have had nothing but trouble with sways since the change. If fir fox is the answere I guess that I am out of here cause I had it on my sons computer for years and had nothing but trouble with it . About 5 months ago I re formated the computer to get rid of it. Never again!!! IF sways dosn’t want to work on what I got then Im out of here. I really miss the archives. In fact this is the first post I have been able to do. If it works ! Talk about a pain in the butt !!! Anyway nice to hear from you . Ahui hou- Wood_Ogre No pictures ! No Play !!
Eh Kokua, good to know that you were released. I had a hell of a week and wasn’t able to get away. Are you going to be staying on Oahu when you have the radiation, or going back and forth?
If you are staying, Oneula and I would like to come and see you. Sorry I never could bring you anything to eat. Let me know what kind of stuff you like and when we come by we’ll try and bring some.
Aloha Guys and it’s great to be back and able to post and reply, didn’t know about the firefox down load until i finally came across it. I get to stay here on Kauai til Feb 17 then it’s back to Oahu for radiation at KuaKini hospital. They want to put me up at the Steadmen apts but when I was at the doctors and they talked to them they were booked up and put me on a waiting list and hopefully there will be an opening before I return since I don’t have a place to stay until there is an opening.That is real bummer but like I said i hope there is an opening, they said that some times the people stay for a short time or cancel and hope one of those happens. They have me on a feeding tube so nothing through the mouth till everthing heals up. The doctor a first was not going to remove the trak tube but after she looked at my surgery she said I was really healing fast and took it out. Thank goodness for that because the tube was driving me crazy and if she left it in I don’t know what I would have done. I have to down load the firefox thing to my lap top so I can reply and post when I go back because you guys are Ohana and want to keep in touch. For those that visited me in the hospital I want to thank you for the mags and gifts and even those who didn’t visit but sent me things, thanks they are much appreciated. Also for those who visited me I don’t know if you realize it but they had me so pumped with morphine I was in La La land. I remember the visits but they were really sureal and at times I thought we were some where’s else and not in the hospital room. Ithink it was oneula or his brother that when they visited me I thought I was on another island and in a really strange place, that was weird. Then I remember the walls in my room looking like water falls, it was so strange. They also took all of my teeth out for thr radiation treatments since your teeth have to be almost perfect to under go the nuking and I had quite a few fillings that were good but had been there since I was a teenager. I guess the radiation would have really messed with my jaw if the teeth were still but at least they are going to give dentures and that will help but will be strange. Next is the radiation and I understand that’s going to be hard on me also but I have made it this far and the sooner Iget this over and done with the sooner I can start to get back to being me. Saw Charlie who owns Hanalei Surf Co today and told him I didn’t think I would be home or up to doing the annual long board contest this year be causei I am in charge of entries heat seating and tallying the judges scores and have done this for 27 years. He told me that the commitee was thinking about delaying or not having it because of what is happening to me. I told not to let them stop just because I probably won’t be able to do my part this year. So we may just delay it till fall or take the year off. The owner of Just Foam was at last years conteast and saw it is a pretty big thing for the Hanalei community and he is a great guy and I was really glad to meet him.OK enough for now.Aloha Kokua
Howzit wood ogre . down load the fire fox thing and only use it for Swaylocks, that is what I am doing since all my other stuff is on internet explorer.That might be the ticket, kind of a shame that Mike had to change things but what is done is done.Aloha,Kokua
got word of wildog sighting
around noon,sigh of …
home is good,
life is good.
proceed with
higher healing
you have my…
kid came back
fromschool in
taiwan to visit
now running something
called opera
my firefox dilema
of acoupla months ago
put us back on safari
opera is way fast…>?
and the children shall lead.
just a tech kook being led by the hand
learning to type in old age.
I had not heard or your plight until stumbling upon it this morning. Sounds like you have been going thruough some trying times. I know about times like that (being dead and all), but take it a day at a time and I promise it will get better. (Note: I was entubated and know how it feels after having a tube down your trachial…talk about hoarse…where’s the ice cream…didn’t even give up my tonsils…
I can verify about the blue tunnel and it being quite peaceful on the other side…not exactly sure why the big man issued my radical cutback, but it was hell on wheels for the return trip.
I’m sending you energy every single day, and between you and Coletta, that’s about all I can budget for, so please everyone else stay healthy and continue sending K and SC good vibes.
Opera is a great browser but sways seems to have a problem with it.
I’ve been using safari on windows XP for awhile it seems to work okay.
change is hard.
sometimes when we roll out a new product we end up forcing customers to have to buy a new computer just to use it. I use to manage a product unto a couple years ago that only ran on windows95 so customers had to keep an old computer around just to run their payroll. We still run an important application that runs on windows 98 because the vendor refused to keep up with bill’s agenda to change the world every couple of years. You kids are too young to remember when we used to use DOS to do all this on something called Mosiac the precurser to Netscape. DOS is still the most efficent method of doing anything on a web in my opinion which is why all the propellor heads live on Linux/Unix. WIndows ruined computer as it allowed for computer illiteracy. Look at the new cheap netbooks and see what they are running…Maybe its a sign.
I’m so glad to hear you are doing well
I was really worried after seeing you in that incoherent state back then
I figure you were buzzed or tired but it worried me
I’ve had to leave early nowadays ever since they started shutting down the airport viaduct at 7PM every night to do repairs. Traffic is bad already without having one of the two main freeways to Ewa shut down…
are you still without connectivity here on Oahu?
If so I’m sure the Sways community can chip in to get you a Mobi 3G card and service for you to use when you are on Oahu. Then you can use your computer anywhere on the island. I was thinking of getting you one if you had a long term stay in Queens.
For the Sways community Mobi is a local cellular company for Hawaii only and has a USB and Card modem for around $125-$150 with a $20 a month fee for unlimited 3G access with no contract. That’s a heck of a deal considering the $50-$60 per month Verizon (which I have) and AT&T 3G deals that require a minimum 2 year contract. Here’s more info.
Kokua- Glad to hear you’re back on Kauai and got that trach out. My prayers will still be with you on your road to recovery.
Firefox isn’t bad once yo get used to it and the bonus is that many viruses are written for explorer and not as much with other brosers from what I’m told.
Howzit oneula, I am very interested in Mobi thing. Do I have to do a contract or is it something I can just use as long as I am on Oahu. My lap top is now set up for wireless and have a N signal and was hoping to be able to high jack in to a near by wireless connection but not sure if I will be able to. Am interested in the Mobi thing, Do I need to do a contract or is it one that I can just do on a monthy basis till I am through and back on Kauai. Feel free to PM with info and if you want send me your PH # and we can talk, I have a phone card that I use for all long distance calls because Hawaiiantel is pretty expensive. My home number is 808-826-4555… I will be home all day to day except to run to the store to get a news paper . Monday I have a doctors appt so probably won’t be home till after 12 noon and Tuesday I am going to Lihue to look for liquid protein to add to my liquid food sinceit has a lot of carbs a little protein and protein helps drive down sugars. The doctor that was supposed to help me in the hospital was worthless and my sugars were thru the roof. I told my doctor he was a High mucka muck Okole hole and she said she was sorry but he was the only one at Queens so we had no choice.Since I got home I am getting my sugars back under control, I have always been good about that on my own. It was great to meet you while in the hospital even if I was messed up on morphine I do remember you. Do you have a brother that visited also or was that a morphine dream I had. When you visted me I thought we were totally some where’s else and not in my hospital room, that morphine really took me to other worlds, when they removed my teeth I thought I was back on Kauai and even saw friends in Haena and when I came out from the anesthetic I asked the lady sitting there if I was on Kauai since it all seemed so real at the time. Aloha my friend,Kokua
K…I got your pM asking about the blue light and dead stuff. I wrote you a lengthy pM about how I became deadshaper (believe me, I earned the title). When I went to send it Sways said Kokua doesn’t accept PM’s…I also tried copying it to my personl email just in case (insightful on my behalf), but it didn’t show up there!
So suffice to say, one day I will post a thread “How I Became Deadshaper”…for all to see, I have nothing to hide.
But more importantly, this is about Y-O-U…so simply suffice to say you are in my prayers and I will send you energy every single day.
Firefox is the best browser out there and I use something like 10 add-ons to add to its versatility.
Currently I am using Google Chrome( also a web browser) as a alternative backup to Firefox.
Firefox has an add-on called ‘IE Tab’ which will render a website within a Firefox tab using Windows Internet Explorer
at the click of an icon. Wonderful!
I’d recommend that everyone move over to Firefox and keep an alternative such as ‘Google Chrome’, Opera and the like.
the ‘Internet Explorer vers 7,8’ . Specifically, keep it, but dont use it. Reasons: takes twice, triple the
time to load up initially, twice the time to render a page, especially vulnerable to malicious code & java being downloaded on your machine. In addition , you can get the occasional need for Internet Explorer satisfied through Firefox and its IE Tab rendering.
Aloha Deadshaper, Got the email at my homme address and replied because I couldn’t tell who wrote it. I will look into the PM thing because I didn’t know there was a problem. Maybe I have to do something so people can PM me. Am interested the the blue light and your deadshaper thing.Aloha,Kokua