kokua saysto say hello...

willdog aka mike williams pulled into my pkglot today

and we chatted like the old guys on the porch

we talked of the recent passing of bobo hamm young

he had to return for the memorial and paddle-out

to be held this sunday at pine trees.


He stopped on the way from the airport

with tales of health and illness

weight gain and loss and the fact that 

he has missed tuning into swaylox 

and asked me to report in for him.

I exclaimed as I recognised

the spitit at the wheel

of the bright blue rent-a car


the smile with no teeth

and the warmth of his hug

verified his survival !!!

be informed all that are concerned

this weekend be on the look out



god bless bobo…


Man that is great news!!!

Ben Chipper mention to me that he was going to be there for a funeral service. Didn’t realize it was this weekend.

SO GLAD he caught up with you , Amby !


that IS great news , albeit for a ‘sad’ reason . I know he was REALLY  looking forward to catching up with his friends all together in one place . He has lived in the usa for a while now [poor guy] , and must really MISS the friendly hawaiians .


please say   " hi !" to him for me , eh ,  mate ?!





  ben chipper